Fig. 1. ACSL3 is overexpressed in human PDAC.
(A) mRNA levels of ACSL3 in patient healthy tissue, primary PDAC, and PDAC metastasis from the subset GSE71729. Healthy pancreatic tissue: n = 46 patients, primary PDAC: n = 145 patients, and PDAC metastasis: n = 61 patients. Data are represented as box (Whisker’s) plot. Dots evidence outliers according to Tukey’s method. (B) mRNA levels of ACSL3 in patient primary PDAC and matched adjacent healthy tissue from the subset GSE62452 (n = 60). Data are expressed as entire numbers normalized by global average. (C) Representative IHC staining for ACSL3 (top) and extracellular matrix deposition marker with Masson trichrome (blue, bottom) of a human TMA showing primary healthy tissue, PanIN, and primary PDAC. Scale bars, 50 μm. (D) ACSL3 IHC quantification (H-score) of TMA comparing PDAC and adjacent healthy tissue (n = 50 samples). We considered an H-score of less than 100, from 100 to 200, and above 201 having a low, intermediate, or high staining intensity, respectively. (E) Stratification of the patients by tumor grade from (D). Healthy tissue, n = 50 samples; grade I, n = 5 samples; grade II, n = 23 samples; grade III, n = 22 samples. (F) Immunoblot for ACSL3, total RAS, and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) of five human patient-derived tumor samples and matched adjacent healthy tissue. (G) Correlation between ACSL3 and Masson trichrome staining of TMA from (C) and (D). Samples are divided in low, intermediate, and high ACSL3 staining. We considered an H-score of less than 100, from 100 to 200, and above 201 having a low, intermediate, or high staining intensity, respectively. Error bars represent mean ± SD; statistical analysis was performed using one-way ANOVA. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, and ****P < 0.0001.