Fig. 6. Carbon isotope composition of Manam volcanic gas plume.
(A) Isotopic composition and CO2 concentration of samples collected by UAS in the plume emanating from the Southern Crater (black circles) and in clean ocean air (orange circle), extrapolated to 100% CO2 by least squares linear regression (blue line). The gray shaded region shows the 95% confidence bounds on the regression. Uncertainties on the measurements are smaller than the symbol size unless shown. (B) The timing of bag sampling (“pump-activated”) shown relative to SO2 concentrations measured by co-located Multi-GAS instrument on 26 May 2019. Only the second pump activation was triggered within dense plume conditions (>5 ppm SO2). (C) Sampling apparatus mounted on the multirotor UAS, comprising four Tedlar bags connected in series with the Multi-GAS and its pump. Image credit: T. Fischer.