Figure 2. Automated midbrain organoids express typical neural and midbrain markers and show signs of structural organization.
(a) Expression of the dopaminergic midbrain marker TH as well as the precursor markers nestin and Sox2 is evenly distributed throughout the entire aggregate at day 25, as shown by single confocal microscopy slices of tissue-cleared samples. The dotted box indicates the area shown in (b). Here, higher magnification of the peripheral aggregate region reveals two different zones with few nuclei but dense, circumferentially oriented neurites distally from the core and radial organization of TH-positive neurons more proximally. (c) The expression patterns of DCX and Brn2 further illustrate the organization of neurons (DCX) and neural precursors (Brn2) in the core of AMOs into zones. (d) Enlargement (of the dotted box in c) highlighting the circumferential organization of neurons (DCX) surrounding the core. (e) Maximum intensity projection (MIP) of fluorescent confocal images showing a dense cellular network expressing the neural marker β-tubulin III (TUBB33) within the AMOs at d25. (f/g) Continuing maturation of AMOs is indicated by the presence of synapses marked by the colocalization of the presynaptic synaptophysin and postsynaptic homer on Map2-positive neurites at day 50 (f, top right corner showing enlargement of two synapses without the Map2 channel) and S100b/GFAP double-positive astrocytes at day 75 (g). Scale bars: 100 μm (a, c, e), 20 μm (b, d, f, g). Also see Figure 2—figure supplements 1–3.