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. 2020 Jun;20(2):690–696. doi: 10.4314/ahs.v20i2.20

Table 1.

Socio-demographic characteristics of participants in Easter zone of Tigray governmental Hospitals, 2016 (n=548)

Variables   Frequency Percentage
Maternal Age =19 52 9.5
20-24 142 25.9
25-29 114 20.8
30-34 109 19.9
=35 131 23.9
Religion Orthodox 478 87.2
Muslim 33 6.0
Protestant 4 0.7
Catholic 33 6.0
Educational status No formal education 193 35.2
Primary education 116 21.2
Secondary and above 239 43.6
Occupation Housewife 278 50.7
Self-employed 156 28.5
Government employees 114 20.8
Husband's occupation (n=514) Not employed 75 13.7
Government employee 177 32.3
Private employee 181 33.0
Other* 81 14.8
Husband's educational status (n=514) No formal education 137 25.0
Primary education 123 22.4
Secondary/higher 254 46.4
Monthly income (USD) ≤$23.1 135 24.6
$23.2-$46.3 89 16.2
$46.4-$69.4 49 8.9
$69.5-$92.5 47 8.6
=$92.6 228 41.6

Daily laborers