Predictive breeding (genomic prediction—GP, also known as genomic selection—GS) studies in forest tree species published during the last years.
Species | Populations | Trait data | Genotyping data | GP algorithm | Key conclusions | References |
Elaeis guineensis | 162 individuals from the Deli and Group B populations | Seven oil yield components | 262 SSRs | PBLUP, GBLUP | Genomic selection (GBLUP) calibrated according to conditions of the experiment showed higher trait precision when using pedigree-based model | Cros et al., 2015 |
Elaeis guineensis | A × B hybrid progeny tests with almost 500 crosses for training and 200 crosses for independent validation | Seven oil yield components | (>5,000 GBS-derived SNPs | GBLUP, PBLUP | Preselection for yield components using GBS is the first possible application of GS in oil palm. | Cros et al., 2017 |
Hevea brasilensis | 332 clones from the F1 cross PB 260 × RRIM 600 | Rubber production | 332 SSRs on site 1 and 296 SSRs on site 2 | RKHS, BLR_A, RR-BLUP-A, BLR_AD, RR-BLUP_AD | Mean between-site GS accuracy reached 0.561 when using the 125–200 SSRs with the highest Ho. The simulations showed that by applying a genomic preselection among 3,000 seedlings in the nursery there is a greater precision of selection of the genomic preselection compared to the phenotypic preselection. Statistical method had no effect on GS precision | Cros et al., 2019 |
Eucalyptus grandis × E. urophylla hybrids | 999 individuals from 45 families | Cellulose content, composition of lignin monomer, total lignin, WD | 33,398 SNP | ABLUP, GBLUP, ssGBLUP | ssGBLUP is a tool with a great projection for the improvement of the precision and the bias of the classic GBLUP for the genomic evaluation in the improvement of Eucalyptus | Cappa et al., 2019 |
Picea abies | 1,370 controlled-pollinated individuals from 46 unrelated parents | Quality features of solid wood, pilodyn penetration, acoustic speed | 116,765 SNP | ABLUP-A, ABLUP-AD, GBLUP-AD, GBLUD-ADE | GBLUP-AD is a model with great utility in production and propagation. Tree breeders can use it for seedling selection, or family and full-siblings selection | Chen et al., 2019 |
Eucalyptus globulus | 646 individuals out of approximately 10 individuals per family | WD, branch quality, DBH, HT | 14,442 SNP | BRR, Bayes C, HAP, HAP-SNP | In general, the BRR and Bayes C methods had a higher predictive capacity for most of the traits. In particular, genomic models that included the haplotype effect (either HAP or HAP SNP) significantly increased the AP of traits with low heritability. | Ballesta et al., 2019 |
Eucalyptus cladocalyx | 1,470 individuals from 49 families | DBH, HT, BHT, WD, STR, SLD, FI | 3.8 K Illumina Infinium EUChip60K SNPs | Bayes A, Bayes B, Bayes C, BRR | An GSq approach outperformed GS models in terms of predictive ability when the proportion of the variance explained by the significant marker-trait associations was higher than those explained by the polygenic background and non-significant markers | Ballesta et al., 2020 |
Eucalyptus clones of E. urophylla× E. grandis | 1,130 clones of 69 full- sib families | Biomass production, WUE, wood properties | 3,303 SNPs | GBLUP | The inclusion of wood δ13C in the selection process may lead to Eucalyptus varieties adapted to marginal zones still presenting good performance for biomass and wood chemical traits | Bouvet et al., 2020 |
Picea abies | 726 trees of 40 families of complete siblings from two localities | Density, microfiber angle, wood stiffness | 5,660 Infinium iSelect SNP matrix SNPs from exome capture and sequencing | Single-trait: GBLUP, BRR, GBLUP, TGBLUP, ABLUP. Multi-traits: GBLUP | Genomic prediction models showed similar results, but the multi-trait model stood out when weevil attacks were not available. Most of the results indicate that the weevil resistance genotypes were higher when there was a greater proportion of height to diameter and greater rigidity of the wood. | Lenz et al., 2020 |
Pinus radiata | 457 POP2 descendants of 63 parents, and 524 POP3 descendants of 24 parents | Branching frequency, stem straightness, internal verification, and external bleeding | 1,371,123 exome sequencing capture SNPs | GBLUP, ABLUP | An efficient way to improve non-key traits is through genomic selection with a pedigree corrected using SNP information | Li et al., 2019 |
Pseudotsuga menziesii | 13,615 individuals | HT, 13 environmental variables | 66,969 SNPs | ssGBLUP | GS-PA can be substantially improved using ECs to explain environmental heterogeneity and G × E effects. The ssGBLUP methodology allows historical genetic trials containing non-genotyped samples to contribute in genomic prediction, and, thus, effectively boosting training population size which is a critical step | Ratcliffe et al., 2019 |
Shorea platyclados | 356 individuals from a half-sib progeny population | Seven important traits, including growth, branching quality, wood quality traits | 5,900 Illumina Hi-Seq X SNPs | rrBLUP | Selective breeding for these traits individually could be very effective, especially for increasing the diameter growth, branch diameter ratio and wood density simultaneously | Sawitri et al., 2020 |
Hevea brasiliensis | 435 individual rubber trees at two sites. 252 F1 hybrids derived from a PR255 × PB217 cross, 146 F1 hybrids derived from a GT1 × RRIM701 cross, 37 genotypes from a GT1 × PB235 cross, and 4 testers (GT1, PB235, RRIM701, and RRIM600) | SC | 30,546 GBS-derived SNPs | BLUP, SM, MM, MDs, Mde | Multi-environment models were superior to the single-environment genomic models. Methods in which GS is incorporated resulted in a fivefold increase in response to selection for SC with multi-environment GS (MM, MDe, or MDs) | Souza et al., 2019 |
Fraxinus excelsior | 1,250 individuals | Tree health, ash dieback resistance | 100–50,000 HiSeq X SNPs | RR-BLUP | Ash dieback resistance in F. excelsior is a polygenic trait that should respond well to both natural selection and breeding, which could be accelerated using genomic prediction | Stocks et al., 2019 |
Eucalyptus nitens | 691 individuals | Solid wood production, height, DBH, stem straightness, WD, wood stiffness, wood shrinkage, growth strain | 12,236 Illumina EUChip60K SNPs | BLUP, GBLUP | The greatest improvement in genetic parameters was obtained for tangential air-dry wood shrinkage and growth strain | Suontama et al., 2019 |
Pseudotsuga menziesii | A 38-year-old progeny test population (P1), selecting 37 of 165 families with complete siblings at random from 3 different settings. Validation population contained 247 descendants with controlled crosses from the 37 families | HT | Complete genotyping of exome capture | RR-BLUP, GRR, Byes-B | The validation of cross genomic selection of juvenile height in Douglas fir gave very similar results with the ABLUP predictive precision, but this precision may be linked to the relationship between training and validation conjugates | Thistlethwaite et al., 2019a |
Pseudotsuga menziesii, Picea glauca, P. engelmannii | 1,321 Douglas-fir trees, representing 37 full-sib F1 families and 1,126 interior spruce trees, representing 25 open-pollinated (half-sib) families | Mid-rotation height, WD | 200–50,000 Illumina HiSeq 2000 SNPs | RR-BLUP | Reducing marker density cannot be recommended for carrying out GS in conifers. Significant LD between markers and putative causal variants was not detected using 50,000 SNPs | Thistlethwaite et al., 2020 |
Pinus contorta | Half- and full- sibs represented by 57 base parents and 42 full-sib families with an calculated effective population size of 92 | Growth and wood quality | 51,213 Illumina HiSeq SNPs | Bayes C, Bayes B, BLUP, GBLUP, ABLUP | The predictions of Marker-based models had accuracies that were equal to or better than pedigree-based models (ABLUP) when using several cross-validation scenarios and were better at ranking trees within families | Ukrainetz and Mansfield, 2020 |
Castanea dentate | 7,173 descendants of BC3F3 from 346 “Clapper” mothers and 198 “Serious” mothers. For the BC3F2 progeny, a total of 1,134 “Clapper” and 1,042 “Graves” were sampled | Cryphonectria parasitica fungus severity (BC3F3) or presence/absence data (BC3F2) | Sequencing of a C. dentata clone in the PacBio Sequel platform | HBLUP, ABLUP, Bayes C | By means of genomic prediction and estimation of hybrid indices, a trade-off is between resistance and a proportion of inherited genome. The results found show that the genetic architecture underlying the heritability of resistance to blight is complex | Westbrook et al., 2020 |
Picea abies | 484 progeny trees from 62 half-sib families | WD, MOE, MFA | 130,269 Illumina HiSeq 2500 SNPs | ABLUP, GBLUP, rrBLUP, BayesB, RKHS | This study indicates standing tree-based measurements is a cost-effective alternative method for GS. Selection for density could be conducted at an earlier age than for MFA and MOE | Zhou et al. (2020) |
For a comprehensive summary of previous studies not included here see Grattapaglia et al. (2018). Detailed abbreviations are shown at the end of the table. WUE, water use efficiency; SC, stem circumference; WD, wood density; MOE, modulus of elasticity; MFA, microfibril angle; DBH, diameter at breast height; HT, total tree height; BHT, first bifurcation height; STR, stem straightness; SLD, slenderness index; FI, flowering intensity; SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism; SSR, simple sequence repeat; GBS, genotyping by sequencing.