Figure 1.
(Upper panel) Visual illustration of the study design. Cardiac MRI of 20 participants with aortic coarctation was acquired during rest and moderate exercise. An absolute increase in heart rate of 50 bpm was targeted during exercise. Using the MRI images, the participant-specific aortic geometry was reconstructed. Using computational fluid dynamics, the transstenotic pressure gradient was calculated during rest and exercise. (Lower panel) Visualization of the image data used for segmentation. The participant-specific anatomy of the aorta was segmented from 3D SSFP (steady-state free precession) images (A,C). If the respective participant was treated using a stent, additional image information from black blood MR sequences (D) was used to improve the segmentation of the stented region of the aorta. An example from only 3D SSFP images is shown in panel (B), whereas a combined segmentation of a previously stented patient is shown in panel (E).