Figure 2.
(A) Areas of significant connectivity of the memory network that correlates positively with episodic memory, using left parahippocampal cortex (LPHC) seed region in age-related macular degeneration (AMD) compared to controls. (B) Areas of significant connectivity of the memory network that correlates positively with episodic memory, using LPHC seed region in AMD participants only. (C) Effect size (average β value) by clusters with significant connectivity with seed regions with standard error (SE) plotted. Cluster regions are detailed in Table 3, labeled by the brain region containing peak voxel for the cluster.
(Threshold: p < 0.005, voxel-level uncorrected, and p < 0.05, cluster-level corrected)
* L: left, R: right. MTG: middle temporal gyrus, IFG: inferior frontal gyrus, TP: temporal pole, SFG: superior frontal gyrus, MFG: middle frontal gyrus, SMFG: superior medial frontal gyrus