Fig. 3.
Five DNA damage-inducible transcript 4 (DDIT4)-associated genes predict poor patient prognoses. (A) Volcano plots showing risk genes among DDIT4-related genes. Red and black dots respectively indicate risk genes (hazard ratio (HR) > 1) and nonrisk genes among genes highly associated with DDIT4 using The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and GSE13041 analyses. (B) Five DDIT4-associated genes existed in both TCGA and GSE13041 data. A higher risk score created by the 5 DDIT4-associated genes predicted a poor prognosis in TCGA (C), GSE13041 (D), and GSE16011 (E). (F) Higher DDIT4 levels were seen in patients with high-risk scores. *p < 0.05