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. 2020 Oct 29;10(4):e44. doi: 10.5415/apallergy.2020.10.e44

Table 1. Utility of BAT for culprit drug identification in immediate DHR.

Drugs Markers Cutoff Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) Reference
AMX, AMP, PEN, CEFU CD63 ≥5%, SI≥2 49–55 91–100 [19,20]
AMX, AMP, CEF-3, CEFT, CEFU CD63, CD203c ≥5%, SI≥2 33 100 *
MOX, LEV, CIP, OLF CD63, CD203c ≥5%, SI≥2 71 100 [21,22]
PAN, ROC, ATA, SUX CD63, CD203c >4%, >10% 80–100 96–100 [23,24]
IOB, IOX, IOP, IOH, IOPA, IOM CD63 ≥5%, SI≥2 46–63 89–100 [25,26]
IOB, IOH, IOP, IOX CD63, CD203c ≥5%, SI≥2 25 ND *
ASA, DIC, KET, CEL, ACT CD63 ≥5%, SI≥ (1.71–2.18) 37–61 90–91 [27,28,29]
DIC, IBU, ACT CD63, CD203c ≥5%, SI≥2 33 100 *

BAT, basophil activation tests; DHR, drug hypersensitivity reactions NMBAs, neuromuscular blocking agents; RCM, radiocontrast media; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs containing ibuprofen, diclofenac, tramadol; ND, not determined; AMX, amoxicillin; AMP, ampicillin; PEN, penicillin; CEFU, cefuroxime; CEF-3, ceftriaxone; CEFT, ceftazidime; MOX, moxifloxacin; LEV, levofloxacin; CIP, ciprofloxacin; OLF, ofloxacin; PAN, pancuronium; ROC, rocuronium; ATA, atacurium; SUX, sumamethonium; IOB, iobitridol; IOH, iohexol; IOM, iomeprol; IOP, iopromide; IOPA, iopamidol; IOX, ioxithalamate; ASA, aspirin; DIC, diclofenac; KET, ketoprofen; CEL, celecoxib; ACT, acetaminophen; SI, stimulation index.

*Data of our studies, unpublished data.