Standard vs. sequences optimized to reduce metal artifact in a 23-year-old woman who had undergone repair of tetralogy of Fallot with subsequent pulmonary valve replacement. Imaging is in the sagittal plane. a Standard SSFP cine (TR/TE 2.7/1.1 ms, matrix 224×168, FOV 336×408 mm, acceleration factor 2, voxel size 0.8×0.8×8 mm, breath-hold time 7.6 s. b Optimized SSFP cine (TR/TE 2.7/1.2 ms, matrix 224×168, FOV 336×408 mm, acceleration factor 2, voxel size 0.8×0.8×8 mm, breath-hold time 7.8 s. c Optimized GRE cine (TR/TE 3.81/1.7 ms, matrix 224×168, FOV 336×408 mm, acceleration factor 2, voxel size 0.8×0.8×8 mm, breath-hold time 11.4 s. d Standard TSE (TR/TE 847/31 ms, matrix 192×256, FOV 251×335 mm, voxel 1.3×1.3×4 mm, breath-hold time 9.2 s. e Optimized TSE (TR/TE 830/29 ms, matrix 192×256, FOV 251×335 mm, voxel size 1.3×1.3×4 mm, breath-hold time 9.3 s). In (c), the dephasing artifact decreases significantly with GRE imaging with a receiver bandwidth of 1,488 Hz/pixel, flow compensation off and weak asymmetrical echo. In (d) and (e), improvement in artifact size is seen when fat saturation is off and bandwidth increased to 781 Hz/pixel. FOV field of view, GRE gradient recalled echo, SSFP steady-state free precession, TE echo time, TR repetition time, TSE turbo spin echo