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. 2020 Oct 29;6(10):e05274. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e05274

Table 5.

Logistic regression analysis of mCMT and individual pesticides in different biological matrices of canines.

Mammary tissue
Adipose tissue
Estimates of log odds S.E. P values Estimates of log odds S.E. P values Estimates of log odds S.E. P values
p,p-DDT 6.532 6.06 0.28 -2.30 4.03 0.57 -8.30 386.33 0.98
o,p-DDT 1.162 29.72 0.97 - - - 26.88 1341.83 0.98
α-HCH -395.182 1921.48 0.84 -314.46 1963.88 0.87 -8.92 16.77 0.59
γ-HCH 3.682 11.26 0.74 69.71 281.43 0.80 1.55 3.92 0.69
Butachlor 5.12 51.35 0.92 -2.47 443.60 0.99 -1.73 94.08 0.98
L-cyhalothrin -93.94 842.33 0.91 - - - 114.52 521.71 0.83
Heptachlor 52.12 133.62 0.70 -17.96 1116.93 0.99 1.64 2.06 0.42
Dieldrin 502.71 3317.60 0.88 121.59 3800.28 0.97 1619.96 116590.16 0.99
Fenitrothion 10.64 55.33 0.85 7.61 34.61 0.82 - - -
Aldrin 53.07 226.09 0.81 18.47 98.68 0.85 -2.36 5.56 0.67
Fipronil -4.38 86.47 0.96 -6.40 857.46 0.99 - - -
Permethrin 16.48 340.94 0.96 140.57 3932.62 0.97 -2.26 1.98 0.25
p,p-DDD - - - -36.50 403.48 0.93 34.18 831.28 0.97
Age (yrs) 1.57 0.98 0.11 0.40 0.29 0.17 -0.03 0.22 0.89
B.Wt. (kg) -0.26 0.20 0.20 -0.08 0.08 0.33 0.02 0.07 0.74