Extended Data Fig. 3. FRAP of MRG-associated proteins.
a, Representative time lapse images of MRGs FRAP experiments in U2OS cells stably expressing FASTKD2-eGFP (green) (n= 39 MRGs examined over 3 independent experiments). White arrowheads indicate the photobleached structures. Scale bar: 5 μm. b, FRAP analysis of FASTKD2-eGFP in U2OS (n= 39 MRGs examined over 3 independent experiments) and COS-7 cells (n = 44 MRGs examined over 8 independent experiments). Symbols in the graph represent mean data points. Single exponential fits (lines) and standard deviations for each time point (shaded area) are shown. c, d, Representative time lapse images of ERAL1- (n = 17 MRGs examined over 3 independent experiments) and DDX28-eGFP (n = 17 MRGs examined over 3 independent experiments) FRAP experiments in COS-7 cells. White arrowheads indicate the photobleached structures. These images correspond to the data plotted in Fig. 2c. Scale bar: 2 μm.