Extended Data Fig. 1. E. faecium stool culture positivity during study.
Diagram showing E. faecium positivity in patients who provided stool samples within (left branch) or after (right branch) 48 hours from index admission. Subsequent boxes show numbers of patients positive or negative for AREfm and VREfm, and, for patients screened at least twice, whether their positivity status changed, suggestive of E. faecium acquisition. A total of 40 cases acquired E. faecium based on culture, either by acquiring any type of E. faecium after being negative for it (17 and 15 patients in the left and right arms, respectively) or VREfm after being already positive for AREfm (4 and 4 patients in the left and right arms, respectively). Abbreviations: AREfm, ampicillin-resistant E. faecium (which may be vancomycin susceptible or resistant); VREfm, vancomycin-resistant E. faecium.