Table 1. Rotational and distortion constants of H2CCCHCCH.
Constant | Laboratorya | This work |
A (MHz) | 25963.54(166) | 25961.178(785) |
B (MHz) | 2616.375797(314) | 2616.376200(221) |
C (MHz) | 2412.573364(286) | 2412.573306(194) |
ΔJ (kHz) | 1.15462(391) | 1.15734(112) |
ΔJK (kHz) | -85.5217(356) | -85.4904(279) |
δJ (kHz) | 0.28161(457) | 0.28598(132) |
Number of lines | 14 | 33 |
σ(kHz) | 1.0 | 8.5 |
Jmax, Kamax | 5, 2 | 10,3 |
νmax (GHz) | 25.144 | 49.218 |
Laboratory frequencies from McCarthy et al. (2020).