a, Yeast two-hybrid assays testing interaction between the PP4R3A EVH1 domain and meiotic proteins. PP4R3A-N indicates the PP4R3A N-terminal region (1-166 aa) containing the EVH1 domain. The yeast co-transformants were grown until OD600 = 1 and spotted on synthetic dropout media (SD) lacking leucine/tryptophan (-LT) and leucine/trptophan/histidine/adenine (-LTHA) for 3 and 5 days. The yeast transformants were grown until OD600 = 1, then diluted 10-, 100- and 1,000-fold in water, and spotted on SD (-LT) and SD (-LTHA) plates to examine growth. b, Venn diagram summarizing yeast two hybrid assays of meiotic proteins that interact with HCR1/PPX1 and the PP4R3A EVH1 domain. c, A schematic model of Arabidopsis PP4 holoenzyme complex that recognizes target protein HEI10 for dephosphorylation via the PP4R3A EVH1 domain and PPX1.