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. 2017 Mar 6;6(6):968–984. doi: 10.1021/acssynbio.6b00320

Table 1. Bacterial Strains and Plasmids Used in This Study.

strains/plasmids description refs
S. meliloti
Rm1021 wild type strain (22)
ΔhsdR Rm1021 strain with hsdR deletion (45)
SmCreΔhsdR Rm1021 cre expression strain with hsdR deletion, tauX:: cre-tetRA (Tcr) (45)
SmA818 strain 2011 cured of megaplasmid pSymA (79)
JDSm106 Rm1021 bearing tetR-YFP-mChr-parBYp (pJD120) under control of PtauAB this study
MWSm8 Rm1021 bearing pMW1 genomically integrated (Kmr) this study
MWSm37 ΔhsdR bearing pMW28 for constitutive egfp expression (Kmr) this study
SmCre_exo-IN SmCreΔhsdR bearing pIso and Pmin2-loxR-aacC1 integrated up- and downstream of the exo gene cluster, respectively (Kmr, Gmr) this study
SmCre_exo-OUT SmCreΔhsdR carrying pIso-exo isolated from pSymB (IPTG dependent) (Kmr, Specr) this study
A. tumefaciens
C58 wild type strain (24, 25)
C58 exoB exhibiting a CFGE-mediated inactivation of exoB (Gmr) (45)
exoB/pIso-exo C58 exoB carrying pIso-exo (IPTG dependent) (Gmr, Kmr, Specr) this study
R. etli
CFN42 wild type strain (80)
S. medicae
WSM419 wild type strain (81)
CC169 wild type strain (82)
S. fredii
NGR234 wild type strain (83)
M. loti
MAFF303099 wild type strain (21)
R. leguminosarum
Norway wild type strain (84)
M. extorquens
AM1 Δcel strain AM1 deficient in cellulose production (85)
C. crescentus
CB15 N wild type strain (86)
E. coli
DH5α used for cloning procedures and plasmid extraction (87)
S17–1 used for conjugation with S. meliloti (88)
XL1-Blue used as recipient of pRK2013 (Tcr) Stratagene
XL1Blue-pRK2013 used for triparental matings (Tcr, Kmr) this study
AB3219 used as Clm resistant recipient of pISO-exo (Clmr) (89)
pK/G18mob2 suicide vector carrying replication origin pMB1 (39)
pK18mobsacB suicide vector carrying sacB for sucrose selection (39)
pSRK-Gm/Km broad-host-range expression vector (90)
pXG-10 carrying replication origin pSC101* (derivative of pSC101 exhibiting reduced copy number in E. coli) (91)
pACYC184 carrying replication origin p15A (92)
pPHU231 broad-host-range expression vector (93)
pRK2013 helper plasmid for mobilization of nonself-transmissible plasmids (94)
pLAU44 pUC18 derivate carrying tet operator (tetO) cassettes (57)
pART artificial mini-replicon based on a pSymA derived repA2B2C2 cassette (58)
pK18mob2-repABCpSymA pK18mob2 carrying a pSymA derived repA2B2C2 cassette this work
p42b_p pK18mob2 carrying repABCp42b based oriV (R. etli) this work
p42d_p pK18mob2 carrying repABCp42d based oriV (R. etli) this work
p42e_s pK18mob2 carrying a truncated repABC region derived from p42e (R. etli) this work
p42f1_p pK18mob2 carrying repABCp42f1 based oriV (R. etli) this work
p42f2_p pK18mob2 carrying repABCp42f2 based oriV (R. etli) this work
pMla_s pK18mob2 carrying a truncated repABC region derived from pMla (M. loti) this work
pMlb_p pK18mob2 carrying repABCpMlb based oriV (M. loti) this work
pSMED01_p pK18mob2 carrying repABCpSMED01 based oriV (S. medicae) this work
pSMED02_p pK18mob2 carrying repABCpSMED02 based oriV (S. medicae) this work
pNGR234b_p pK18mob2 carrying repABCpNGR234b based oriV (S. fredii) this work
pTi_p pK18mob2 carrying repABCpTi based oriV (A. tumefaciens). this work
pMW1 integrative pK18mob2 derivative conferring Kmr this work
pMW28 integrative pK18mob2 derivative carrying Pmin2-egfp this work
pJD120 pK18mobsacB derivative, integration of tetR-YFP-mChr-parBYp under control of PtauAB this work
pJD211 pK18mob2 derivative carrying Pmin2-loxR-aacC1 this work
pPHU231-egfp pPHU231 derivative carrying a constitutive egfp cassette this work
pABCa-egfp pABCa carrying a constitutive egfp cassette this work
pABCa-egfp-expR pABCa carrying constitutively expressed egfp-expR this work
pABCa-tetO pABCa carrying a tetO array this work
pABCb-egfp pABCb carrying a constitutive egfp cassette this work
pABCb-egfp-expR pABCb carrying constitutively expressed egfp-expR this work
pABCc-egfp-expR pABCc carrying constitutively expressed egfp-expR this work
pABCc-parSYp pABCc carrying parSYp this work
pABCc-mob-egfp pABCc-mob carrying a constitutive egfp cassette this work
pABC1-egfp pABC1 carrying a constitutive egfp cassette this work
pABC1-egfp-expR pABC1 carrying constitutively expressed egfp-expR this work
pABC1-egfp_f pABC1 carrying a forwardly integrated SD-egfp fragment this work
pABC1-egfp_r pABC1 carrying a reversely integrated SD-egfp fragment this work
pABC1-T2-egfp_f pABC1-T2 carrying a forwardly integrated SD-egfp fragment this work
pABC1-T2-egfp_r pABC1-T2 carrying a reversely integrated SD-egfp fragment this work
pABC1-T3-egfp_f pABC1-T3 carrying a forwardly integrated SD-egfp fragment this work
pABC1-T3-egfp_r pABC1-T3 carrying a reversely integrated SD-egfp fragment this work
pABC2-egfp pABC2 carrying a constitutive egfp cassette this work
pABC2-egfp-expR pABC2 carrying constitutively expressed egfp-expR this work
pABC3-egfp pABC3 carrying a constitutive egfp cassette this work
pABC4-egfp pABC4 carrying a constitutive egfp cassette this work
pABC4-egfp-expR pABC4 carrying constitutively expressed egfp-expR this work
pABCb-lacI pABCb carrying lacI for constitutive LacI expression this work
pMlb_lacO pK18mob2 carrying repABCpMlb bearing a lacO cassette at the predicted transcription start site this work
pIso ABC cloning vector integrating upstream of the exo gene cluster on pSymB this work
pIso-exo isolated ABC cloning vector carrying the exo gene cluster (replicative upon IPTG supplementation) this work
pABC Library Plasmids Carrying Module Parts
pLoriVSm pK18mob2 derivative, unloaded library vector for oriVSm parts this work
pLsynTer-MCS pK18mob2 derivative, unloaded library vector for synTer-MCS parts this work
pLoriT pK18mob2 derivative, unloaded library vector for oriT parts this work
pLAR pK18mob2 derivative, unloaded library vector for AR parts this work
pLoriV-42b pLoriVSm derivative providing the oriVp42b region (R. etli) this work
pLoriV-42d pLoriVSm derivative providing the oriVp42d region (R. etli) this work
pLoriV-42e pLoriVSm derivative providing the oriVp42e region (R. etli) this work
pLoriV-42f1 pLoriVSm derivative providing the repA1B1C1 based oriVp42f region (R. etli) this work
pLoriV-42f2 pLoriVSm derivative providing the repA2B2C2 based oriVp42f region (R. etli) this work
pLoriV-Mla pLoriVSm derivative providing the oriVpMla region (M. loti) this work
pLoriV-Mlb pLoriVSm derivative providing the oriVpMlb region (M. loti) this work
pLoriV-Ti pLoriVSm derivative providing the oriVpTi region (A. tumefaciens) this work
pLsynTer-1 pLsynTer-MCS derivative providing synTer1-MCS this work
pLsynTer-2 pLsynTer-MCS derivative providing synTer2-MCS this work
pLsynTer-3 pLsynTer-MCS derivative providing synTer3-MCS this work
pLsynTer-1-lox pLsynTer-MCS derivative providing synTer1-MCS-loxL this work
pLsynTer-2-lox pLsynTer-MCS derivative providing synTer2-MCS-loxL this work
pLsynTer-3-lox pLsynTer-MCS derivative providing synTer3-MCS-loxL this work
pLoriT-1 pLoriT derivative providing a mob site this work
pLoriT-1-lox pLoriT derivative providing mob-loxR this work
pLoriT-1-loxT pLoriT derivative providing mob-loxR-rrnBT2 this work
pLAR-Km pLAR derivative providing a kanamycin resistance cassette this work
pLAR-Spec pLAR derivative providing a spectinomycin resistance cassette this work
pLAR-Tc pLAR derivative providing a tetracyclin resistance cassette this work
pLAR-Hyg pLAR derivative providing a hygromycin resistance cassette this work
pLAR-Tmp pLAR derivative providing a trimethoprim resistance cassette this work
pLAR-Gm pLAR derivative providing a gentamicin resistance cassette this work