(a) Gpbar1 mRNA levels in arcuate nucleus
(ARC)-enriched hypothalamic punches of control mice
(Gpbar1fl/fl) and AgRP neuron-specific TGR5
knock-out (AgRPCre;Gpbar1fl/fl) mice.
n=7 animals. (b) 12-hours food intake of
Gpbar1fl/fl and
AgRPCre;Gpbar1fl/fl mice.
n=8 animals. (c) 12-hour cumulative food
intake of control (Gpbar1fl/fl) and POMC
neuron-specific TGR5 knock-out
(PomcCre;Gpbar1fl/fl) mice after
oral administration of TGR5 agonist INT-777 or vehicle. n=6
(Gpbar1fl/fl INT-777), n=7 (Vehicle groups) and n=8
(PomcCre;Gpbar1fl/fl INT-777) animals.
(d) 12-hour cumulative food intake of control
(Gpbar1fl/fl) and AgRP neuron-specific TGR5
knock-out (AgRPCre;Gpbar1fl/fl) mice
after oral administration of TGR5 agonist INT-777 or vehicle. n=7
(Gpbar1fl/fl INT-777) n=8 (all other groups)
animals. (e) Representative images showing
Agrp mRNA (in red) using RNAscope technique together with
TGR5 immunodetection (GFP) in green and nuclei staining (DAPI) in blue in the
acuate nucleus (ARC) of TGR5:GFP mice (n=4 animals). Arrows in
the lower panel (digital zoom image) indicate cells that co-express
Agrp mRNA (in red) and GFP protein (in green).
Colocalization between Agrp and GFP is shown in orange (merge).
Scale bars = 50 μm and 10μm plus digital zoom in the image below.
(f-g) Representative images (f) and quantification
(g) of Fos immunoreactivity (in red) in AgRP/NPY neurons (in
green) and merge (in orange) in the hypothalamus of AgRP/NPY-GFP expressing mice
after oral administration of INT-777 (n=3 animals) or vehicle
(n=5 animals). Arrows in images indicate colocalization of
Fos and GFP. Scale bar = 100 μm. Results represent mean ± SEM.
n represents biologically independent replicates.
Two-tailed Student’s t-test (a,
b and g) or two-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni
post-hoc correction (c and d) vs.
Gpbar1fl/fl (a and
b), Gpbar1fl/fl vehicle for
(c), Gpbar1fl/fl vehicle for
(d), or vehicle (g) groups were used for
statistical analysis. P values (exact value or *
P ≤ 0.05) are indicated in the figure.