Fig. 1.
Stimuli and methods of Experiment 1. A) All shape stimuli with curvature index k going from 0 (triangular, T) to 1 (circular, C). Circumradii were adjusted to keep the covered area approximately constant across shapes. B) Schematic trial procedure of Experiment 1A showing a shape change of circularity increase across a saccade, either with a blank screen after the postsaccadic stimulus (no-blank condition) or before (blank condition). C) Example psychometric functions of one representative participant fitted to proportion circularity-increase (C↑) responses over shape changes tested (Δk) with negative deltas indicating circularity decrease (C↓) and positive deltas indicating circularity increase (C↑). Dark-blue data points (size scales with number of valid measurements) and fit represent the no-blank condition, and green represents the blank condition. Vertical lines indicate the points of subjective stability. D) Schematic trial procedure of Experiment 1B, in which participants had to compare the observed shape to the overall mean shape. Shape stimuli were either exclusively presented before the saccade in the peripheral visual field (presaccadic condition) or exclusively after the saccade in the central visual field (postsaccadic condition). E) Example psychometric functions of one representative participant fitted to proportion more-circular (C) responses over shapes tested (k) for the pre- (dark red) and postsaccadic condition (orange). Vertical lines indicate the points of subjective equality. A shape with k = 0.5 represents the true mean shape over all shapes. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)