(a) Experimental workflow including generation of hiPSCs from patients with Constitutional Mismatch Repair Deficiency (CMMRD), subcloning of hiPSCs and whole-genome sequencing. (b) Genome plots of MMR knockouts demonstrate consistent gene-specificity regardless of model system, e.g., cancer (in vivo) and CMMRD patient-derived hiPSCs (in vitro). Top: whole genome plots of two iPSC subclones from two PMS2 mutated CMMRD patients and a breast tumor with PMS2 deficiency. Bottom: genome plots of two iPSC subclones derived from two MSH6 mutant CMMRD patients and a breast tumor with MSH2/MSH6 deficiency. Genome plots show somatic mutations including substitutions (outermost, dots represent six mutation types: C>A, blue; C>G, black; C>T, red; T>A, grey; T>C, green; T>G, pink), indels (the second outer circle, colour bars represent five types of indels: complex, grey; insertion, green; deletion other, red; repeat-mediated deletion, light red; microhomology-mediated deletion, dark red) and rearrangements (innermost, lines representing different types of rearrangements: tandem duplications, green; deletions, orange; inversions, blue; translocations, grey). (c) 96-channel substitution profiles. (d) 45-channel indel profiles. (e) Hierarchical clustering of cancer-derived tissue-specific MMR signature and MMR knockout signatures. 96-bar plots of ΔPMS2-related tissue-specific signatures can be viewed here: