a, The complete dataset of clones were screened for public clonotypes for melanoma antigens, demonstrating that the size of clones matching these clonotypes in untreated melanoma patients is significantly greater than those in controls (Wilcoxon Test, n=106 patients, 68 controls) b, Melanoma patients showed no difference in mean EBV reactive clone size from controls (P>0.05) although the distribution of clones was skewed in non-melanoma patients and median clone size greater in patients (two-way Wilcoxon-Test). c, Treatment led to an small increase in median EBV reactive clonotype clone size across all patients, but d, the significance of this effect was greater for MAA clonotypes e, for samples with data for clone sizes at day 63 as well as day 21 (n=41 individuals) there was no further change in clone size at the later timepoint (two-way Wilcoxon-Test). For all boxplots lower and upper hinges of box represent 25-75th percentiles, central line the median and the whiskers extend to largest and smallest values no greater than 1.5x interquartile range.