Extended Data Figure 2. Cryo-EM for GABAAR.
(a) B-factor plots for three data sets using an X-FEG, the new energy filter with a slit width of 3eV (orange), 5eV (blue) and 10 eV (grey) and a Falcon 4 camera. (b) Two orthogonal views of an electron tomogram for ice thickness measurement. Scale bar is 50 nm. (c) Representative electron micrograph from the CFEG dataset. Scale bar is 30 nm. (d) A selection of 2D class average images. (e) Local resolution map. (f) Fourier Shell Correlation (FSC) between the two independently refined half-maps. (g) FSC between the model and the map calculated for the model refined against the full reconstruction (black); the model refined in the first half-map against that half-map (FSCwork; blue); and the model refined in the first half-map against the second half-map (FSCtest; dashed orange). Atomic models were refined including spatial frequencies up to 1.63 Å.