Extended Data Fig. 1. Time series plots of the warm-season mean daily temperatures in each scenario provided by each model.
The time series plots depict the temporal trends in average warm-season temperatures across the 732 locations included in the study. Factual scenario (with natural and anthropogenic forcings) is depicted in brown, while counterfactual scenario (with natural forcings only) in orange. The grey dark area corresponds to the study period 1991–2018. (ACC: ACCESS-ESM1–5, CAN: CanESM5, CNR: CESM2, FGO: FGOALS-g3, GFD: GFDL-ESM4, HAD: HadGEM3-GC31-LL, IPS: IPSL-CM6A-LR, MIR: MIROC6, MRI: MRI-ESM2–0, Nor: NorESM2-LM).