(a) Editing YFP instead of PLT2 in the ipWER expression region caused changes similar to direct PLT2 editing. The RM had fewer LRC layers (white arrowheads), as well as premature expansion of epidermal cells and a broad, faint YFP signal. The Cas9p-tagRFP signal is frequently invisible. (b) Editing YFP led to QC (black arrow) differentiation at a lower frequency. (c) Targeting the YFP of RBR-YFP in the LRC led to LRC overproliferation, similar to editing RBR. However, the YFP signal outside ipWER expression region was also hampered by an unknown mechanism, unlike when editing RBR. White arrows mark the neighboring cell walls in a and c. The same construct was used in a and c. Cell walls are highlighted by calcofluor. Numbers indicate the frequency of the observed phenotype in independent T1 samples analyzed. Experiments were repeated three times. Scale bars, 50 μm.