In cortical progenitors, LHX2 putatively recruits HDAC2, LSD1 and RBBP4 and represses FEZF2 and SOX11 expression by removing active marks from their gene loci. The sub-cerebral projection neuron identity of layer V is hence suppressed during layer VI formation. In the absence of LHX2, the NuRD subunits possibly cannot interact with the gene loci, thus retaining the active marks and precocious formation of layer V sub-cerebral projection neurons (Muralidharan et al., 2017). In post-mitotic neurons, transcription factor SATB2 and transcription regulator SKI repress CTIP2 expression in callosal projection neurons by recruiting HDAC1 and MTA2 to the matrix attachment region (MAR) upstream of the Ctip2 gene locus. In the Ski mutant, HDAC1 is not recruited to the MAR locus whereas, in the Satb2 mutant, the SKI-NuRD complex is not recruited to the MAR locus. CTIP2 expression is thus facilitated in the Ski and Satb2 mutants, providing a subcerebral projection identity to the neurons (Britanova et al., 2008; Baranek et al., 2012).