Odds ratios and associated 95% confidence intervals of LC28 when presenting a given symptom during the first week compared t, correcting for age and gender (if necessary) in different subgroups female(a) (n=1516), male (b) (n=633), 18-49 (c) (n=1466), 50-69 (d) (n=621), >=70 (e) (n=62). Abbreviations: DE – delirium, AP – Abdominal Pain, HV – Hoarse Voice, DI – Diarrhoea, CP – Chest Pain, SM – skipped meals, UMP – Unusual Muscle pains, FV – Fever, ST – Sore Throat, PC – Persistent Cough, LOS – Loss of smell, SOB – Shortness of breath, HA – Headache, FA – Fatigue.