Figure 1. Change in tumor HV measured by hypoxia PET-CT.
Waterfall plots of percentage change in HV from baseline for A) atovaquone-treated and B) untreated patients using TBR ≥1.4 to define HV. More than 10% reduction in HV represents a meaningful reduction and is indicated by the dashed line. Changes in HV using TBR C) ≥1.6 and D) ≥1.8 are shown for atovaquone-treated patients with sufficient HV (≥1.5 mL) to reliably measure change. E) Representative FMISO PET-CT scans for three patients (A, B and C) at baseline and post-atovaquone treatment (standardized uptake value scale 0.5-3). Arrows on the pre-treatment scans indicate tumor location. Areas with high tracer uptake (red) represent hypoxic regions. Treatment length between scans was 14 days for patients A and C, and 13 days for patient B. The reduction in HV from baseline for patients A, B and C was 33%, 61% and 66%, respectively.