Fig. 3.
Predictions and results for the structural equation model (SEM) investigating the underlying mechanisms of the relationship between tree species richness and mycorrhizal type and herbivory and pathogen infestation rates. (A) Potential relationships between considered variables and the underlying hypotheses derived from previous studies. (B) The fitted model (SEM) including the two predictor variables, leaf element concentrations, tree aboveground biomass, the first two axes of the RDA based on metabolite profiles as affected by tree species richness and mycorrhizal type (with tree species identity partialled out) as well as herbivory and pathogen infestation rates (N = 107). Dark grey and black arrows represent significant relationships. Ochre-coloured values next to the endogenous variables indicate the variance explained. Black values and asterisks on the arrows indicate standardised path coefficients and significance, respectively: * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001. Coefficient values are reflected by the thickness of the arrow; solid arrows represent positive and dashed arrows negative coefficients. AMF: arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, EMF: ectomycorrhizal fungi.