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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2021 Oct 13.
Published in final edited form as: Neuron. 2020 Sep 14;107(6):1071–1079.e2. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2020.08.005

Table 1. List of the Major Structures and Their Abbreviations.

Major Neuromeres and Neuropils Longitudinal Tracts
Prothoracic neuromere (ProNm), Accessory Mesothoracic neuropil (AMNp), Mesothoracic neuromere (MesoNm), Metathoracic neuromere (MetaNm), Abdominal neuromere (ANm), Tectulum (Tct), Upper tectulum (UTct), Intermediate tectulum (IntTct), Lower tectulum (LTct), Wing tectulum (WTct), Haltere tectulum (HTct), Neck tectulum (NTct), Leg neuropil (LegNp), Intermediate neuropil (IntNp), Ventral Association Centre (VAC), Medial Ventral association centre (mVAC), Intermediate Lateral association centre (iLAC) Dorsal lateral tract (DLT), Intermediate tract of dorsal cervical fasciculus (ITD), Dorsal lateral tract of ventral cervical fasciculus (DLV), Ventral lateral tract (VLT), Ventral median tract of ventral cervical fasciculus (VTV), Median dorsal abdominal tract (MDT), Ventral cervical fasciculus (VCF), Dorsal cervical fasciculus (DCF), Dorsal median tract (DMT), Ventral ellipse (VE)
Commissures Peripheral Nerves
anterior Anterior Ventral Commissure (aAV), posterior Anterior Ventral Commissure (pAV), Anterior Intermediate Commissure (AI), ventral Anterior Intermediate Commissure (vAI), Anterior Intermediate anterior Commissure (AIa), Anterior Intermediate posterior Commissure (AIp), dorsal Anterior Intermediate Commissure (dAI), anterior Posterior Intermediate Commissure (aPI), posterior Posterior Intermediate Commissure (pPI), dorsal PI Commissure (dPI), Posterior Dorsal Commissures (PD), Commissure of Fine Fibers of the Intermediate Tract of the Dorsal Cervical Fasciculus (CFF), Commissure of Prothoracic Neuromeres (CPN), Dorsal Accessory Commissure of the Mesothoracic Neuromeres (DAM), Ventral Ellipse (VE) Cervical nerve (CvN), Dorsal prothoracic nerve (DProN), Prosternal nerve (PrN), Prothoracic chordotonal nerve (ProCN), Prothoracic accessory nerve (ProAN), Ventral prothoracic nerve (VProN), Prothoracic leg nerve (ProLN), Anterior dorsal mesothoracic nerve (ADMN), Posterior dorsal mesothoracic nerve (PDMN), Mesothoracic accessory nerve (MesoAN), Mesothoracic leg nerve (MesoLN), Dorsal metathoracic nerve (DMetaN), Metathoracic leg nerve (MetaLN), First abdominal nerve (AbN1), Second abdominal nerve (AbN2), Third abdominal nerve (AbN3), Fourth abdominal nerve (AbN4), Abdominal nerve trunk (AbNT)
Specific Neurons Other Structures
Giant Fiber (GF), Contralateral haltere interneurons (cHIN) Femoral chordotonal organ (FeCO), Cervical connective (CvC)