Table 1. New trait-mtSNV associations defined using UKBB ICD10 and self-report codes.
Chapter | Trait | Definition | Locus | rsID, position (EA, EAF) |
AA change | OR | 95% CI | P (FDR) | Haplogroup |
I. Infectious and parasitic diseases | Other specified bacterial agents* | ICD10: B968 | CO1 | rs879058417; 6528 (T,0.006)G | L209L | 1.36 | 1.18-1.57 | 3.1x10-5 (0.04) | W5; K1a1b1f |
II. Neoplasm | Skin of other and unspecified parts of face | ICD10: C443 | ND3 | rs41487950; 10084 (C,0.007)I | I9T | 1.36 | 1.17-1.57 | 4.7x10-5 (0.05) | homoplastic |
Descending colon | ICD10: D124 | ND5 | rs1556424100;12397(G,0.002)G | T21A | 1.92 | 1.41-2.64 | 4.4x10-5 (0.05) | homoplastic | |
CYB | rs200336777; 15812 (A,0.008)G | V356M | 1.45 | 1.22-1.72 | 3.2x10-5 (0.03) | ||||
Type 2 diabetes | ICD10, ICD9, #20002, #20003 | ATP6 | rs2853822; 8655 (T,0.001)Ga | I43I | 1.48 | 1.23-1.78 | 3.9x10-5 (0.05) | ancestral variant common to L | |
ND5 | rs878966690; 13117(G, 0.005)G | I261V | 1.65 | 1.30-2.11 | 4.2x10-5 (0.05) | K1a3a | |||
Lesion of plantar nerve | ICD10: G576 | CO3 | rs41482146; 9667 (G, 0.01)Ga | N154S | 1.49 | 1.24-1.80 | 3.2x10-5 (0.04) | U5a1b; J1b2a | |
VII. Eye and adnexa | Ptosis of eyelid | ICD10: H02.4 | CYB | rs193302994; 15452 (A, 0.21)G | L236I | 1.15 | 1.07-1.23 | 4.8x10-5 (0.05) | J; T |
IX. Circulatory system | Abdominal aortic aneurysm | ICD10: I71.4 | DLOOP | rs369669319; 207 (A, 0.04)I | - | 1.38 | 1.18-1.61 | 4.6x10-5 (0.04) | homoplastic |
TT | rs193303002; 15927 (A,0.009)I | 1.70 | 1.35-2.15 | 8.0x10-6 (0.02) | |||||
CYB | rs193302994; 15452 (A, 0.21)G | L236I | 1.22 | 1.11-1.34 | 3.7x10-5 (0.05) | ||||
Joint disorder | #20002: 1295 | ND2 | rs1556422875; 4592 (C, 0.003)I | I41I | 1.91 | 1.44-2.53 | 8.2x10-6 (0.02) | H2a5a1a; U5a1h | |
Bladder problem (not cancer) | #20002: 1201 | DLOOP | rs147029798; 16126 (C, 0.21)I | - | 1.12 | 1.06-1.17 | 1.3x10-5 (0.02) | homoplastic | |
Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of other parts of digestive tract | ICD10: R93.3 | ND3 | rs41487950; 10084 (C, 0.007)I | I9T | 1.68 | 1.32-2.14 | 3.1x10-5 (0.04) | homoplastic |
Summary of the single-variant mtDNA PheWas associations identified with P<5x10-5 in UKBB (in up to 358,618 participants). Each variant had at least 10 cases carrying the effect-allele. Chapter=ICD-10 chapters. Definition: ICD-10 or non-cancer illness self-reported diseases codes. Locus=mtDNA encoded gene; rsID=SNP id as of dbSNP 153; position=mtDNA nucleotide position on rCRS (NC_012920); EA=effect allele; EAF=effect allele frequency; AA change = amino acid change. OR=odds ratio; 95% CI=95% confidence interval; P=P-value for the corresponding EA. FDR=False Discovery Rate calculated with Benjamini-Hochberg procedure. Haplogroup=Haplogroup(s) defined by the EA, according to Phylotree (build 17); SNVs tagging more than two European haplogroups are reported as “homoplastic”. G=genotyped; I=imputed; M=mixed, i.e. genotyped one array only and imputed on the other; Ga=mtSNVs genotyped on one array only (i.e. either the UKBB array or the UKBL array) and not imputed on the other array (or excluded because of low INFO score on the other array).