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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2021 Nov 17.
Published in final edited form as: Nat Genet. 2021 May 17;53(7):982–993. doi: 10.1038/s41588-021-00868-1

Table 1. New trait-mtSNV associations defined using UKBB ICD10 and self-report codes.

Chapter Trait Definition Locus rsID, position
AA change OR 95% CI P (FDR) Haplogroup
I. Infectious and parasitic diseases Other specified bacterial agents* ICD10: B968 CO1 rs879058417; 6528 (T,0.006)G L209L 1.36 1.18-1.57 3.1x10-5 (0.04) W5; K1a1b1f
II. Neoplasm Skin of other and unspecified parts of face ICD10: C443 ND3 rs41487950; 10084 (C,0.007)I I9T 1.36 1.17-1.57 4.7x10-5 (0.05) homoplastic
Intrathoracic lymph nodes ICD10: C771 TQ rs41456348; 4336 (C, 002)G - 1.46 1.23-1.73 1.6x10-5 (0.03) H5a; U6d
Descending colon ICD10: D124 ND5 rs1556424100;12397(G,0.002)G T21A 1.92 1.41-2.64 4.4x10-5 (0.05) homoplastic
III. Blood Other iron deficiency anaemias ICD10: D50.8 TA rs879226228; 5633 (T, 0.008)G 1.45 1.22-1.73 2.0x10-5 (0.04) J2b
CYB rs200336777; 15812 (A,0.008)G V356M 1.45 1.22-1.72 3.2x10-5 (0.03)
IV. Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases Hypokalaemia ICD10: E87.6 ND2 rs367778601; 5147 (A, 0.06)G T226T 1.27 1.15-1.40 1.9x10-6 (0.005) homoplastic
Type 2 diabetes ICD10, ICD9, #20002, #20003 ATP6 rs2853822; 8655 (T,0.001)Ga I43I 1.48 1.23-1.78 3.9x10-5 (0.05) ancestral variant common to L
VI. Nervous system Multiple sclerosis TD rs1556423308; 7559(G, 0.005))I - 2.06 1.59-2.67 5.0x10-8 (0.0003) K1a3a
ICD10: G35 ND3 rs2853826; 10398 (G, 0.21)G T114A 1.15 1.07-1.23 4.3x10-5 (0.05) homoplastic
ND5 rs878966690; 13117(G, 0.005)G I261V 1.65 1.30-2.11 4.2x10-5 (0.05) K1a3a
Lesion of plantar nerve ICD10: G576 CO3 rs41482146; 9667 (G, 0.01)Ga N154S 1.49 1.24-1.80 3.2x10-5 (0.04) U5a1b; J1b2a
VII. Eye and adnexa Ptosis of eyelid ICD10: H02.4 CYB rs193302994; 15452 (A, 0.21)G L236I 1.15 1.07-1.23 4.8x10-5 (0.05) J; T
IX. Circulatory system Abdominal aortic aneurysm ICD10: I71.4 DLOOP rs369669319; 207 (A, 0.04)I - 1.38 1.18-1.61 4.6x10-5 (0.04) homoplastic
X. Respiratory system Spontaneous pneumothorax/ recurrent pneumothorax #20002: 1126 ATP8 rs121434446; 8393 (T, 0.008)I P10S 1.67 1.33-2.11 1.4x10-5 (0.02) X2b
TT rs193303002; 15927 (A,0.009)I 1.70 1.35-2.15 8.0x10-6 (0.02)
XI. Digestive system Bilateral inguinal hernia K402 ND1 rs28357970; 3796 (G, 0.015)G T164A 1.43 1.22-1.67 1.2x10-5 (0.02) H1b1
Volvulus K562 ND1 rs1599988; 4216 (C, 0.21)G Y304H 1.23 1.12-1.35 2.1x10-5 (0.03) J; T
ND4 rs869096886; 11251 (G, 0.21)G L164L 1.22 1.11-1.34 2.6x10-5 (0.04)
CYB rs193302994; 15452 (A, 0.21)G L236I 1.22 1.11-1.34 3.7x10-5 (0.05)
XIII. Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue Pain in joint (Pelvic region and thigh) ICD10: M25.55 CO1 rs201617272; 5913 (A, 0.01)I D4N 1.47 1.25-1.74 4.0x10-6 (0.01) K1b
Other shoulder lesions ICD10: M758 RNR1 rs200887992; 951 (A, 0.007)I - 1.74 1.38-2.19 2.9x10-6 (0.008) H2a1
Joint disorder #20002: 1295 ND2 rs1556422875; 4592 (C, 0.003)I I41I 1.91 1.44-2.53 8.2x10-6 (0.02) H2a5a1a; U5a1h
XIV. Genitourinary system Calculus of kidney ICD10: N20.0 ND1 rs201513497; 3736 (A, 0.001)G V144I 2.07 1.53-2.81 2.5x10-6 (0.007) C1b811b
Urinary tract infection/kidney infection #20002: 1196 ND4 rs1556423898; 11143(T, 0.002)I P128P 2.08 1.48-2.92 2.5x10-5 (0.04) H15a1a; U4b1a2
Bladder problem (not cancer) #20002: 1201 DLOOP rs147029798; 16126 (C, 0.21)I - 1.12 1.06-1.17 1.3x10-5 (0.02) homoplastic
XVIII. Symptoms, signs, abnormal findings Polyuria ICD10: R35 CYB rs2853504; 14793 (G, 0.05)Ga H16R 0.83 0.76-0.91 4.6x10-5 (0.05) U5a; V2a1
Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of other parts of digestive tract ICD10: R93.3 ND3 rs41487950; 10084 (C, 0.007)I I9T 1.68 1.32-2.14 3.1x10-5 (0.04) homoplastic

Summary of the single-variant mtDNA PheWas associations identified with P<5x10-5 in UKBB (in up to 358,618 participants). Each variant had at least 10 cases carrying the effect-allele. Chapter=ICD-10 chapters. Definition: ICD-10 or non-cancer illness self-reported diseases codes. Locus=mtDNA encoded gene; rsID=SNP id as of dbSNP 153; position=mtDNA nucleotide position on rCRS (NC_012920); EA=effect allele; EAF=effect allele frequency; AA change = amino acid change. OR=odds ratio; 95% CI=95% confidence interval; P=P-value for the corresponding EA. FDR=False Discovery Rate calculated with Benjamini-Hochberg procedure. Haplogroup=Haplogroup(s) defined by the EA, according to Phylotree (build 17); SNVs tagging more than two European haplogroups are reported as “homoplastic”. G=genotyped; I=imputed; M=mixed, i.e. genotyped one array only and imputed on the other; Ga=mtSNVs genotyped on one array only (i.e. either the UKBB array or the UKBL array) and not imputed on the other array (or excluded because of low INFO score on the other array).