a | The grey area represents the tumour region, a 2.5 × 2.5 × 2.5 cm3 volume centred at 8 cm in water. The yellow and orange lines are 100 and 20 keV μm-1 linear energy transfer (LET) levels, respectively. An ideal bullet should have LET < 20 keV μm-1 in the entrance channel and >100 keV μm-1 in the target volume7. b,c | Monte Carlo TRAX code simulation of C-ion tracks in the entrance channel (100 MeV/n; to the left of the grey tumour region in part a) and the Bragg peak (3 MeV/n), providing the same dose in a 1 × 1 × 0.5 μm3 volume. Figure modified from Tommasino et al.167, distributed under Creative Commons CC-BY. Part a is adapted from REF.167, CC BY 4.0.