a, Lysis percentage of B16F10 cancer cells pre-treated with Chol (softened) or PBS (native) and co-cultured with activated Pmel CD8+ T-cells at an effector:target (E:T) ratio of 10:1 for 5 h (n = 3). b, Relative membrane cholesterol levels of B16F10 cancer cells with ACAT1 knock-down (ACAT1 KD) and ACAT1 overexpression (ACAT1 OE) (n = 3). Native B16F10 cancer cells serve as a standard (100%). c, Cortical stiffness of native, ACAT1 KD, and ACAT1 OE B16F10 cells measured by the optical tweezer (n = 19 ~ 21 individual cells). In the violin plots, the middle solid line shows median, and lower and upper dash lines show 25th and 75th percentiles, respectively. d, Representative scatter plots for native, ACAT1 KD, and ACAT1 OE B16F10 cells by deformability cytometry analysis, and their 50%-density contour plots (the inner contours correspond to 95% event density) with iso-elasticity lines dividing the diagrams into areas of different stiffness. e, Lysis percentage of ACAT1 KD and ACAT1 OE B16F10 cancer cells after 5-h co-culture with Pmel CD8+ T-cells at an E:T ratio of 10:1 (n = 4). Data are one representative of at least two independent experiments with biological replicates (a, b, e). f-h, Mice bearing native, ACAT1 KD, or ACAT1 OE B16F10 tumours were treated with adoptive transfer of Pmel CD8+ T-cells (5 × 106 per mouse), as outlined in the experimental scheme (f) (n = 5 and 10 animals for PBS- and ACT-treated groups, respectively). Shown are tumour growth curves (g) and survival curves (h) of pooled data from two independent experiments with biological replicates. P values were determined by unpaired Student’s t test in (a-c, e), two-way ANOVA in (g), or log-rank test in (h). Error bars represent SEM. ACAT1, acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase 1; PBS, phosphate-buffered saline; ACT, adoptive cell transfer; s.c., subcutaneous; i.v., intravenous; n.s., not significant.