(a) Experimental strategy. (b-g) Characterisation of the granulomatous response of intestines from H. poly-infected Ifngr2CTRL
and Ifngr2ΔEGC
mice. Representative images of the small intestine at 28 dpi (b); quantification of the number (c, n28dpi=11, n60dpi=15) and size (d, n=11) of granulomas; representative H&E stained sections through granulomas (e, f; arrows: aggregates of macrophages; filled arrowheads: viable and degenerate neutrophils and eosinophils; empty arrowheads: dense eosinophilic fibrillar material, major basic protein; asterisks: basophilic karyorrhectic and eosinophilic cytoplasmic debris, necrosis); histology severity score (g, nCTRL=9, nΔEGC=12). Two experiments. (h) Intestinal transit time at 60 dpi; nCTRL=8, nΔEGC=7. Two experiments. (i-l) Flow cytometric quantification of neutrophils (i), eosinophils (j), monocytes (k) and CD8+ T cells (l) at indicated time-points in the TM of H. poly-infected Ifngr2ΔEGC
and Ifngr2CTRL
mice. (n=4, one experiment, data on day 7 representative of 3 experiments. Two-tailed Mann-Whitney test (d, g), unpaired two-tailed t-test (h), Two-way ANOVA with Sidak’s multiple comparison test (c, i-l). Mean±SEM (c, g, h, i, j, k, l). Scale bars: c: 0.5 cm, e, f: 500 μm, (insets: 50 μm).