(a, b)qRT-PCR kinetics of Ifng and Arg1 (a) and Cxcl10 (b) in H. poly-infected TM. Mean±SEM, a: nnaïve==8, n3dpi,7dpi,10dpi,14dpi=6, n5dpi,28dpi=7, n21dpi=3; b: nnaïve=11, n3dpi=6, n7dpi=12. Two experiments. (c-f) TM from naïve (c, d) and H. poly-infected (3 dpi) (e, f) Yeti (c, e) and Sox10|tdT (d, f) mice immunostained for GFP, Sox10, S100β and CD45 (c, e) or hybridised for Cxcl10 (d, f). Combined and single-spectrum images of open squares shown on the right (c, e: empty and filled arrowheads indicate an EGC and an IFN-γ-producing GFP+ cell, respectively, n=4; d, f: arrowhead indicates an EGC; n=5). (g) Combined GFP/CD45 immunostaining and Sox10/Cxcl10 hybridisation of TM from H. poly-infected (3 dpi) Yeti mice. Combined and single-spectrum images of open squares at the bottom. (h) Quantification of Cxcl10+ TM EGCs of H. poly-infected (3 dpi) Ifngr2CTRL
and Ifngr2ΔEGC
mice; n=4. (i-l) Granulomatous response of H. poly-infected (28 dpi) intestine from Cxcl10CTRL
and Cxcl10ΔEGC
mice. Quantification of granulomas (i, nCTRL
=12, nΔEGC=13); sections through granulomas (j, k; arrows: high numbers of neutrophils, eosinophils with scattered lymphocytes within the submucosa; filled arrowheads: viable and degenerate neutrophils and eosinophils; empty arrowheads: dense eosinophilic fibrillar material-major basic protein; asterisks: basophilic karyorrhectic and eosinophilic cytoplasmic debris-necrosis), histology severity score (l, nCTRL
=9, nΔEGC=14). Two experiments. (m, o) Quantification of Cxcl10 (m) and Ifng (o) induction in H. poly-infected (7 dpi) TM of Cxcl10CTRL
and Cxcl10ΔEGC
mice (n=10; two experiments). (n) Quantification of TM IFN-γ+CD8+ T cells after H. poly-infection (7dpi); n=5. Representative of two experiments. Two-tailed Mann-Whitney test (h, l, n). Unpaired two-tailed t-test (i, m, o).Two-way ANOVA with Sidak’s multiple comparison (b). Mean±SEM (a, b, h, i, l-o). Scale bars: c, e: 15 μm (insets 5 μm);d, f: 50 μm (insets 10 μm); g: 10 μm; j, k: 100 μm (insets 50 μm).