Figure 3. Endothelial Pgd drives vMC coverage of the DA in mouse embryos.
a, Table of viable offspring from Tie2-Cre;Pgdf/+ (male) and Pgdf/f (female) intercrosses at developmental stages E10.5, E12.5, E17.5 and P17. Pearson’s Chi-square values are shown and indicate whether the observed ratios were significantly different from the expected ratios.
b, Confocal images of E11 controls (Pgdf/f) and Pgd ΔEC mutants (Tie2-Cre; Pgdf/f) wholemount CD31 (green) staining. Major trunk blood vessels including DA and intersomitic vessels (ISV) are present and developed in Pgd mutants. Images are representative of at least three independent experiments (n=3) with similar results. Scale bars, 50μm.
c, Scatter plots show the quantification of DA diameter of E11 controls (Pgdf/f) and Pgd ΔEC mutants (Tie2-Cre; Pgdf/f). Pgdf/f (n=9), Tie2-Cre; Pgdf/f (n=6). Data are shown as mean ± SEM.
d-e, DA sections of E11 control and Pgd △EC mouse embryos immunostained with antibodies against SM22 or α-smooth muscle actin (αSMA) to detect vMC (red) and CD31 for EC/HC (green). DAPI (blue) stains all nuclei. V: ventral. Images are representative of three independent pups (n=3). Scale bars, 10μm.