(A) Experimental paradigm: single-cell, juxtacellular recordings from deep layer pyramidal neurons in PRh (left) and L5 pyramidal neurons in S1 (right). Red: CNO injection site in L1 of S1, rf: rhinal fissure. (B), (C) High-pass filtered recording traces from an example PRh neuron during a hit and a miss trial, respectively. Gray box: period of μStim. (D) Relative changes in firing rate and burst rate during miss and hit trials from PRh neurons. *p<0.05, ***p<0.001. (E), (H) High-pass filtered recordings from an example neuron in S1 during a hit trial in control and hM4Di/CNO mice, respectively. Gray box: period of μStim. Red arrows: bursts. (F), (I) Left, heat map of z-score for normalized firing rates of individual L5 neurons in S1 of control and hM4Di/CNO mice, respectively. Z-scores for cells with no spikes during the pre-stimulus period could not be computed and were therefore not included in this analysis. Right, fraction of significantly modulated neurons in control and hM4Di/CNO S1, respectively (see Methods for classification criteria). (G), (J) Same as (F) and (I) but burst rate for the same cells. Cell number is constant and cells with no burst events during pre-stimulus period are marked with zeros (green).