(A) A schematic representation of a theoretical T cell activation series of
events. In this model, during activation the T cell first upregulates Green
Protein, then Blue Protein. The expression of Green Protein then oscillates
(round arrows) between low and high expression. (B) Model of how expression of
these proteins might look by fixed cell imaging. When T cells are activated in a
population, all of the states in (A) may be represented and vary with time. (C)
Model of how expression of these proteins (Green, top; Blue, bottom) might look
by Western blot of pooled cell lysates. (D) Model of how expression of these
proteins (Green, top; Blue, bottom) in the population might look by single
parameter flow cytometry. (E) Model of how expression of these proteins (Green,
y-axis; Blue, x-axis) in the population might look by multi-parameter flow
cytometry. (F) Model of how expression of these proteins (Green, right middle;
Blue, right bottom) might look following a high dimensional data capture
technique such as mass cytometry or single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) with
simultaneous protein measurements. Note that the extra parameters allow
inference of a pseudotime trajectory (left and right top) that reveals the
different expression dynamics of Blue and Green proteins. However, as it is a
pseudotime trajectory constructed from snap-shot measurements, it cannot
elucidate precise timescales of expression. Only through continuous time-lapse
imaging is the full activation behavior readily apparent. (G) To illustrate the
benefits of live imaging in individual cells, we show a time-lapse series of a
cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) (red) interacting with an antigen-presenting target
cell (blue) captured with a spinning disk confocal microscope. As the CTL
interacts with the target cell, a calcium flux is initiated, shown by the
oscillating green intensity proportional to the free intracellular calcium, and
the centrosome (white sphere) polarizes toward the immune synapse. While calcium
may also be measured by alternative approaches, oscillatory behavior in an
individual cell requires live imaging. Moreover, organelle movement such as
polarization of the centrosome can only be measured through visualization. Scale
bar=2μm, Time Min:Sec. This figure was made using Biorender.