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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2022 Oct 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Dev Orig Health Dis. 2021 Jun 4;13(2):137–150. doi: 10.1017/S2040174421000258

Table 1. Summary overview of identified preconception indicators and their recording in national data sources.

Indicator source (reference) Possible data source
Domain Indicator Clinical guidance Policy report Position statement Charitable organisation E-Learning National routine dataset National survey National cohort study
Wider determinants of health Ethnicity 10 RCGP, CPRD, MSDS, HES, ONS, NDA HSE, NDNS, ONS, ALAS, MCS, BCS70
Education 10 HES, ONS HSE, ONS, ALAS, MCS, BCS70
Financial security 10 ONS ONS
Housing 10 ONS ONS BCS70
Complex social factors 10 MSDS
Adverse childhood experiences 10 ONS
Migrant health factors 10 RCGP, CPRD ONS ONS
Health care Preconception assessment and care 3, 6, 43, 44
Routine general practitioner (GP) check-up 3 RCGP, CPRD
Routine dental appointment 7 45 NHSDS
Emotional and social health and support Domestic abuse (physical and emotional) 5 10 31 45 RCGP, CPRD ONS MCS, BCS70
Support network / social support 10 31 MSDS
Reproductive health and family planning Pregnancy intention 3, 4, 30 31 Natsal
Maternal age 3, 30 10 RCGP, CPRD, MSDS, HES MCS, BCS70
Paternal age 29 Birth registrations
Interpregnancy interval 3 RCGP, CPRD, MSDS, HES
Obstetric history 3, 4, 7, 8, 43, 44 10 31 RCGP, CPRD, HES, MSDS, NCARDRS Natsal MCS, BCS70
Previous breastfeeding experiences 45 CSDS BCS70
Fertility problems 3, 30 45 RCGP, CPRD
Contraception 3, 4, 43, 46, 47 10 12 31 45 RCGP, CPRD, SRHAD HSE MCS
Assisted reproductive technology 3, 30 12
Health behaviours Folic acid supplementation 3-5, 30, 43 10 12 31 45 MSDS, NDA
Other vitamin supplementation 4, 5 11 31 45 NDNS
Vitamin deficiency 4, 5, 7 9 13 31 RCGP, CPRD NDNS
Dietary intake 3-5, 30, 48, 49 10 12 31 45 NDSD BCS70
Physical activity 4, 49 10 31 45 ALAS
Weight 3-5, 30, 49 10 12 31 45 RCGP, CPRD Natsal, HSE, NDNS, ALAS, MCS, BCS70
Eating disorder 46 31 RCGP, CPRD
Tobacco use 3-5, 30 10 12 31 45 RCGP, CPRD Natsal, HSE, ONS MCS, BCS70
Second-hand smoke exposure 4, 30 31 HSE
Alcohol consumption 3-5, 30 10 12 31 45 RCGP, CPRD Natsal, HSE, ONS MCS, BCS70
Substance use 3-5, 30 10 12 31 45 RCGP, CPRD Natsal MCS
Environmental exposures Toxic or hazardous substances or exposures 3, 30, 50 RCGP, CPRD, MSDS, HES, ONS ONS, NDNS MCS, BCS70
Cervical screening Cervical screening 3, 30 10 12 31 45 RCGP, CPRD
Immunisation and infections Immunisation 3, 4, 8, 30 10 12 31 45 RCGP, CPRD
Sexually transmitted diseases 3, 30 10 12 31 45 RCGP, CPRD Natsal
Mental health conditions Mental health problem 3-5, 29 10 12 31 45 RCGP, CPRD, HES, ONS Natsal, HSE, ONS MCS, BCS70
Previous antenatal or postnatal mental illness 7 45 RCGP, CPRD, CSDS
Severe mental health conditions 3 RCGP, CPRD, HES
Physical health conditions Epilepsy 3, 4 31 45 RCGP, CPRD, HES Natsal BCS70
Diabetes mellitus 3, 4, 29, 43 12 31 45 RCGP, CPRD, HES, NDA Natsal, HSE BCS70
Polycystic ovary syndrome 31 RCGP, CPRD, HES Natsal
Endometriosis 30, 51 31 RCGP, CPRD, HES
Thyroid disease 3, 30 RCGP, CPRD, HES Natsal
Chronic hypertension 3, 4 12 45 RCGP, CPRD, HES Natsal, HSE BCS70
Cardiovascular disease 3, 4, 47 RCGP, CPRD, HES Natsal
Previous thromboembolism 3 RCGP, CPRD, HES
Renal disease 3 RCGP, CPRD, HES
Asthma 3, 4 31 RCGP, CPRD, HES BCS70
Rheumatological conditions 3 45 RCGP, CPRD, HES
Inflammatory bowel disease 3, 52 RCGP, CPRD, HES
Sickle-cell disease or thalassaemia 3, 4 12 RCGP, CPRD, HES, NCARDRS
Hepatitis B 3, 30 RCGP, CPRD
Phenylketonuria (PKU) 6 RCGP, CPRD, HES, NCARDRS
Developmental disability 8 RCGP, CPRD, HES, NCARDRS
Female genital mutilation 3, 30 RCGP, CPRD, MSDS, HES
Pelvic floor dysfunction 53 45 RCGP, CPRD, HES
Medication Overall use 3, 30 31 RCGP, CPRD, HES HSE
Not recommended when planning pregnancy 3-5 12 RCGP, CPRD, HES
Genetic risk Personal or family history of a generic disorder 3, 4, 30 10 12 31 RCGP, CPRD, NCARDRS
Previous pregnancy affected by an inherited genetic disorder 3 RCGP, CPRD, NCARDRS
Family history of diabetes 29, 43 RCGP, CPRD

Abbreviations: ALAS, Active Lives Adult Survey; BCS70, 1970 British Cohort Study; CPRD, Clinical Practice Research Datalink; CSDS, Community Services Dataset; HES, Hospital Episode Statistics; HSE, Health Survey for England; MCS, Millennium Cohort Study; MSDS, Maternity Services Dataset; Natsal, British National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles; NCARDRS, National Congenital Anomaly and Rare Disease Registration Service; NCSRAS, National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service; NDA, National Diabetes Audit; NDNS, National Diet and Nutrition Survey; NHSDS, NHS Dental Statistics; ONS, Office for National Statistics; RCGP, Royal College of General Practitioners Research and Surveillance Centre database; SRHAD, Sexual and Reproductive Health Activity Dataset.