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. 2022 Jan 19;41(9):1613–1626. doi: 10.1002/sim.9314


Results of the simulations that revisit the NCT01257230 trial using the ORD

Design powered to reject all hypotheses
Max. SS Stages Reject all Reject H01 not H02 Reject at least one H0k ESS
0 0 474 1 0.005 0.020 0.025 474.00
534 2 0.004 0.021 0.025 316.39
120 0 474 1 0.025 0.856 0.881 474.00
534 2 0.025 0.854 0.879 371.83
120 120 474 1 0.803 0.078 0.881 474.00
534 2 0.802 0.081 0.883 399.81
Design powered to reject at least one hypothesis
Max. SS Stages Reject all Reject H01 not H02 Reject at least one H0k ESS
0 0 381 1 0.005 0.021 0.025 381.00
426 2 0.004 0.021 0.025 252.43
120 0 381 1 0.025 0.779 0.803 381.00
426 2 0.024 0.774 0.798 304.67
120 120 381 1 0.691 0.112 0.803 381.00
426 2 0.684 0.117 0.802 331.89

Note: For the two‐stage design, the triangular bounds are used. Proportions refer to 106 replications and values of interest are in bold.

Abbreviations: ESS, expected sample size; Max. SS, maximum sample size.