Summary of computational times on 128 cores of Archer2 for the different finite element types. Given are degrees of freedom (DOF) for the finest resolution bi-ventricular geometry as well as solver, assembly, and total computational times for one beat using one Newton iteration (ts,1, ta,1) two Newton iterations (ts,2, ta,2) and a fully converged Newton solution (ts,c, ta,c). Tb,1, Tb,2, and Tb,c correspond to the total simulation time per heart beat for one Newton iteration, two Newton iteration, and fully converged Newton scenarios. Timings refer to a single heart beat lasting 0.585 s at a time step size of 1 ms. In addition, the times required for the loading phase, TId, and the total simulation times including 0D solution, IO, and postprocessing are presented. Note that for P1–P0 elements the hydrostatic pressure p is statically condensed on the element level and thus not considered for counting DOFs.