Figure 7.
Average dPTE connectivity values over the significant occurrences of the looming bias, calculated as the difference between dPTE for looming and dPTE for receding stimuli, based on the single-trial source activities and plotted against the center of the sliding time window (duration 250 ms). Additionally to the connections presented above (Figure 6(a,b,c)) significant connections are found from PAC, PostCG and PreCG to SFG. These additional significant occurrences of the looming bias are apparent at times corresponding to the timing of maximum looming bias occurrence (120–200 ms), as indicated by Baumgartner et al. (2017). Positive dPTE values resent connectivity in the direction mention as the legend of each bar (PAC to SFG, PreCG to SFG, PostCG to SFG, SFG to POP, PFC to PAC, PFC to IPL and IPL to PAC), negative values in the opposite direction.