Fig. 5.
Effect of different spatial configurations of sanitation logging on bark beetle disturbance. Large rectangles represent the entire landscape, and the embedded rectangles represent areas of blocks and road buffers (green – area without treatment, orange – treated area). The left column (Without treatment) indicates the average volumes of trees killed by bark beetles (m3 ha–1 year–1) in the absence of sanitation logging (highest disturbance). The middle column (Selective treatment) shows situation, when only the areas within road buffer or blocks were treated (intermediate disturbance level). The right column (Entire landscape treated) indicates the same values reached with sanitation logging applied equally over the landscape (lowest disturbance). Two intensities of sanitation logging are presented – 60 and 95% (rows). The figure present variant where the treated area covers 60% of the entire landscape (see Methods for details). Simulation outputs for reference climate and average of six climate change scenarios are shown. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)