Fig. 3.
Simulated total ecosystem carbon (Ctotal) and its post-disturbance recovery. The disturbed forest development is simulated under three different climate conditions, as well as with and without the fertilizing effect of CO2. The reference undisturbed development was generated under reference climate corresponding to the period 1961-1990. Simulations under climate change are driven by seven climate models for each RCP scenario; solid lines indicate the average projection and shaded envelopes indicate the minimum–maximum range of the simulations. Grey rectangles indicate the inter-model range of payback time (PB1 with elevated CO2; PB2 without elevated CO2) and the C parity (P). Columns at the bottom indicate the annual C amount removed from the landscape by harvests and salvage cutting, and the annual C in dead trees. In case of RCP scenarios, columns show multi-model means under elevated CO2 level. The blue vertical rectangle indicates the wind-bark beetle disturbance episode investigated here (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.).