Table 4. Multinomial regression models of dating violence classes predicted by sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender nonconformity, and including peer victimization, bias-based bullying, and parental abuse (N = 70,071).
High DV victimization versus no/low DV | DV victimization and perpetration versus no/low DV | Verbal victimization and perpetration versus no/low DV | Moderate DV victimization and perpetration versus no/ low DV | |||||||||
Estimate (SE) | RRR | p | Estimate (SE) | RRR | p | Estimate (SE) | RRR | p | Estimate (SE) | RRR | p | |
Sexual orientation (ref: heterosexual) | ||||||||||||
Gay or lesbian | –.62 (.19) | 1.86 | .001 | –.19 (.36) | 1.21 | .601 | –.15 (.28) | 1.16 | .595 | .03 (.37) | .97 | .934 |
Bisexual | –.98 (.08) | 2.67 | < .001 | –.15 (.28) | 1.16 | .584 | –.15 (.15) | 1.16 | .313 | –.24 (.22) | 1.27 | .272 |
Questioning | –.18 (.12) | 1.20 | .115 | .42 (.34) | .66 | .216 | .24 (.17) | .78 | .160 | .11 (.24) | .89 | .637 |
Transgender (ref: nontransgender) | .29 (.13) | .75 | .027 | .00 (.32) | 1.00 | .991 | .19 (.22) | .83 | .391 | .11 (.28) | .90 | .691 |
Gender nonconformity | –.11 (.03) | 1.12 | < .001 | –.05 (.07) | 1.05 | .476 | .00 (.04) | 1.00 | .939 | –.11 (.05) | 1.12 | .037 |
Peer victimization | –1.04 (.06) | 2.83 | < .001 | –1.13 (.09) | 3.09 | < .001 | – .58 (.08) | 1.79 | < .001 | – .87 (.10) | 2.38 | < .001 |
Bullying based on gender | –.12 (.06) | 1.12 | .039 | –.34 (.10) | 1.40 | .001 | –.18 (.06) | 1.20 | .004 | –.19 (.09) | 1.20 | .041 |
Bullying based on gender expression | – .32 (.04) | 1.38 | < .001 | –.02 (.09) | 1.02 | .794 | – .37 (.05) | 1.45 | < .001 | – .22 (.07) | 1.25 | .001 |
Bullying based on sexual orientation | –.06 (.06) | 1.06 | .315 | –.03 (.09) | 1.03 | .753 | .12 (.08) | .88 | .103 | –.13 (.09) | 1.13 | .170 |
Psychological parental abuse | –.72 (.07) | 2.05 | < .001 | –.57 (.17) | 1.77 | .001 | – .62 (.09) | 1.86 | < .001 | – .73 (.13) | 2.07 | < .001 |
Physical parental abuse | –.48 (.08) | 1.62 | < .001 | –.60 (.19) | 1.82 | .001 | – .52 (.09) | 1.69 | < .001 | –.25 (.14) | 1.29 | .079 |
Witnessing domestic abuse | –.61 (.09) | 1.84 | < .001 | –1.69 (.18) | 5.41 | < .001 | –.49 (.11) | 1.63 | < .001 | –.99 (.13) | 2.69 | < .001 |
Sexual abuse by family member | –1.13 (.11) | 3.08 | < .001 | –2.52 (.18) | 12.48 | < .001 | –.97 (.15) | 2.65 | < .001 | – 1.26 (.19) | 3.51 | < .001 |
Controlling for biological sex, age, and race/ethnicity. Unstandardized estimates and relative risk ratios (RRR). Statistically significant estimates (p < .05) are shown in bold.
DV = dating violence; SE = standard error.