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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2022 Jun 4.
Published in final edited form as: J Adolesc Health. 2020 Oct 17;68(6):1155–1161. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2020.08.034

Table 4. Multinomial regression models of dating violence classes predicted by sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender nonconformity, and including peer victimization, bias-based bullying, and parental abuse (N = 70,071).

High DV victimization versus no/low DV DV victimization and perpetration versus no/low DV Verbal victimization and perpetration versus no/low DV Moderate DV victimization and perpetration versus no/ low DV
Estimate (SE) RRR p Estimate (SE) RRR p Estimate (SE) RRR p Estimate (SE) RRR p
Sexual orientation (ref: heterosexual)
   Gay or lesbian –.62 (.19) 1.86 .001 –.19 (.36) 1.21 .601 –.15 (.28) 1.16 .595 .03 (.37) .97 .934
   Bisexual –.98 (.08) 2.67 < .001 –.15 (.28) 1.16 .584 –.15 (.15) 1.16 .313 –.24 (.22) 1.27 .272
   Questioning –.18 (.12) 1.20 .115 .42 (.34) .66 .216 .24 (.17) .78 .160 .11 (.24) .89 .637
   Transgender (ref: nontransgender) .29 (.13) .75 .027 .00 (.32) 1.00 .991 .19 (.22) .83 .391 .11 (.28) .90 .691
   Gender nonconformity –.11 (.03) 1.12 < .001 –.05 (.07) 1.05 .476 .00 (.04) 1.00 .939 –.11 (.05) 1.12 .037
   Peer victimization –1.04 (.06) 2.83 < .001 –1.13 (.09) 3.09 < .001 – .58 (.08) 1.79 < .001 – .87 (.10) 2.38 < .001
   Bullying based on gender –.12 (.06) 1.12 .039 –.34 (.10) 1.40 .001 –.18 (.06) 1.20 .004 –.19 (.09) 1.20 .041
   Bullying based on gender expression – .32 (.04) 1.38 < .001 –.02 (.09) 1.02 .794 – .37 (.05) 1.45 < .001 – .22 (.07) 1.25 .001
   Bullying based on sexual orientation –.06 (.06) 1.06 .315 –.03 (.09) 1.03 .753 .12 (.08) .88 .103 –.13 (.09) 1.13 .170
   Psychological parental abuse –.72 (.07) 2.05 < .001 –.57 (.17) 1.77 .001 – .62 (.09) 1.86 < .001 – .73 (.13) 2.07 < .001
   Physical parental abuse –.48 (.08) 1.62 < .001 –.60 (.19) 1.82 .001 – .52 (.09) 1.69 < .001 –.25 (.14) 1.29 .079
   Witnessing domestic abuse –.61 (.09) 1.84 < .001 –1.69 (.18) 5.41 < .001 –.49 (.11) 1.63 < .001 –.99 (.13) 2.69 < .001
   Sexual abuse by family member –1.13 (.11) 3.08 < .001 –2.52 (.18) 12.48 < .001 –.97 (.15) 2.65 < .001 – 1.26 (.19) 3.51 < .001

Controlling for biological sex, age, and race/ethnicity. Unstandardized estimates and relative risk ratios (RRR). Statistically significant estimates (p < .05) are shown in bold.

DV = dating violence; SE = standard error.