a. Overview of antibiotics tested in initial screen at 20 μM concentration2 and validated by MIC determination in this study.
b. Comparison of measured MICs (dark grey) to available ones from public databases (light grey). Shaded areas represent the overlap. Species are classified as “common” if they are present in the gut microbiome of more than 1% of 727 healthy individuals.
c. MICs of drug-species pairs per antibiotic class (color scheme as in a) are depicted next to EUCAST clinical (susceptibility) breakpoints for pathogens. Numbers of drug-species pairs (MICs; colored) and antibiotic per class (EUCAST clinical breakpoints; grey) are shown in brackets. Boxes span the IQR and whiskers extend to the most extreme data points up to a max of 1.5x IQR, y-axis is log2 scale.