Figure 5.
a) Quantifications of nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio of YAP/TAZ (N/C) of U2OS cells, as a function of the post-seeding time, on stiff PEG-RGD (13.7 kPa) after 10, 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes. Statistically significative differences were evaluated by one-way ANOVA with Tuckey multiple comparison. P-values for YAP/TAZ localization: 10 vs 30 min p=0.95; 30 vs 60 min p=0.003; 60 vs 90 p=0.047; 90 vs 120 p=0.99. p-values for cell dimension: 10 vs 30 min p=0.068; 30 vs 60 min p=0.77; 60 vs 90 min p=0.003; 90 vs 120 min p=0.755. Number of cells for each times are: 10m: 21; 30m: 20; 60m: 24; 90m: 20; 120m: 25.
b) Representative immunofluorescence images of the corresponding YAP/TAZ subcellular localization in U2OS cells. Staining shows nuclei (in blue), YAP/TAZ (in green) and F-actin (in red).