(A)-(E) - Concentrations of serum (A) alpha-synuclein, (B) caspase-1, (C) endotoxin, (D) soluble CD14 and (E) soluble TREM2 in Parkinson’s disease patients and controls and within Parkinson’s dementia risk groups. (Patients=red; Controls=yellow). **significance withstood Bonferroni correction for multiple testing within the relevant category.
(F)-(H) - Summary of Principal Components Analysis (PCA) component score comparisons between all Parkinson’s patients and paired controls and within risk groups. (Patients=red; Controls=yellow).
Component 1 - (+)serum alpha-synuclein, (+)caspase-1 and (-)TLR2+ monocytes; Component 2 - (+)serum endotoxin, (+)monocyte TREM2 and (-)serum alpha-synuclein; Component 3 - (+)classical monocyte percentage and (-)serum alpha-synuclein