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. 2022 May 13;2:37. [Version 1] doi: 10.3310/nihropenres.13273.1

Table 1. Inclusion criteria for WS2 participants.

A: Parents
1 Bereaved parents/guardians where the deceased child was between neonatal to 25 years old at the time of death
2 Parents/guardians whose child has died in the last three years, and no sooner than in the last three months
3 Bereaved parents/guardians whose child was treated in one of the study's three settings (PTCs, PICUs, NNUs)
4 Bereaved parents/guardians who are able to speak and understand English
5 Bereaved parents/guardians who are able to give written and informed consent
B: Health professionals
1 Staff who work in one of the study's three settings (PTCs, PICUs, NNUs), or for a service that is identified as being important for the
functioning of one of the end-of-life models identified in WS1
2 Staff who have worked with children who have died between neonatal to 25 years old
3 Staff who are able to speak and understand English
4 Staff who are able to give written and informed consent