Extended Data Fig. 2. Time-series transcriptomics.
a,b, Expression of core clock genes (Npas2, Perl, Per2, Per3, Arntl, Cry1, and Cry2) mRNA. Transcripts were detected by microarray over a 48-h period. If present, multiple probe sets are shown, n = 2 mice. Metacycle analyses BHQ (Benjamini–Hochberg q-63) values indicated on top right-hand corner. ArrayExpress Accession number E-MTAB-7743 and ref. 17. c, Expression of fibrillar collagen genes in wild-type mouse tail tendon tissue detected by different probe sets in a time series microarray study were not rhythmic, n = 2 mice. Grey shadow indicates subjective night phase. ArrayExpress Accession number E-MTAB-7743 and ref. 17. See also Statistical Source Extended Data Fig. 2