Table 2.
Strategies for identifying antimicrobial-resistant infections used by antimicrobial resistance (AMR) surveillance networks (a list adapted from Ashley et al., 2018 [7], stratified by strategy used and arranged in alphabetical order) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs)
Name | Year | Target infections/organisms | Strategy used to identify AMR cases |
A Clinically Oriented Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network (ACORN) | 2019 ongoing | Sepsis; meningitis; pneumonia (both community-acquired and hospital-acquired) | Case-based surveillance of clinical syndrome |
Antimicrobial Resistance Epidemiological Survey on Cystitis (ARESC), European Society for Infection in Urology | 2003—2006 | Uncomplicated cystitis | Case-based surveillance of clinical syndrome |
Bacterial Infections and Antibiotic-Resistant Diseases Among Young Children in Low-Income Countries (BIRDY), Institut Pasteur International Network | 2012 ongoing | Sepsis; meningitis; pneumonia | Case-based surveillance of clinical syndrome |
Burden of Antibiotic Resistance in Neonates from Developing Societies | 2015—2018 | Neonatal sepsis | Case-based surveillance of clinical syndrome |
Clinical Information Network—Antimicrobial Resistance (CINAMR) project | 2021—2023a | A project that may feed data into other initiative such as ACORN network and WHO GLASS | Case-based surveillance of clinical syndrome |
Diseases of the Most Impoverished Typhoid Study Group and Multicentre Shigellosis Surveillance Study (DOMI), International Vaccine Institute, Republic of Korea | 2001 —2004 | Typhoid fever | Case-based surveillance of clinical syndrome |
Global Point Prevalence Survey of Antimicrobial Consumption and Resistance (Global-PPS), University of Antwerp | 2015 ongoing | Hospital-acquired infections | Case-based surveillance of clinical syndrome |
Hib Impact Project (Pediatric Bacterial Meningitis Surveillance Network) | 2006—2008 | Meningitis | Case-based surveillance of clinical syndrome |
International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC) | 2002 ongoing | Clinically defined pneumonia; laboratory-confirmed bloodstream infection; clinical sepsis; symptomatic urinary tract infection | Case-based surveillance of clinical syndrome |
Proof-of-Principle routine diagnostics project for antimicrobial resistance surveillance (PoP project), CAESAR | 2018 ongoing | Suspected bloodstream infections | Case-based surveillance of clinical syndrome |
South Asian Pneumococcal Alliance (SAPNA), GAVI Alliance | 2004—2009 | Sepsis; meningitis; pneumonia (children 2—5 years old) | Case-based surveillance of clinical syndrome |
Surgical Unit-based Safety Programme (SUSP) | 2013—2015 | Surgical site infection | Case-based surveillance of clinical syndrome |
The Alexander Project, GlaxoSmithKline | 1992—2002 | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
Asian Network for Surveillance of Resistant Pathogens (ANSORP), Sungkyunkwan University, Korea | 1996 ongoing | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
Antibiotic Resistance in the Mediterranean Region (ARMed), Infection Control Unit, Mater Dei Hospital, Msida, Malta | 2003—2007 | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
ARTEMIS Global Antifungal Surveillance Programme (ARTEMIS) | 1997—2005 | Fungi | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
Assessing Worldwide Antimicrobial Resistance and Evaluation Programme (AWARE), International Health Management Associates, Inc. (IHMA) | 2012 ongoing | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
Central Asian and Eastern European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance (CAESAR) | 2013 ongoing | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) | 2013 ongoing | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
Community-Acquired Respiratory Tract Infection Pathogen Surveillance (CARTIPS) | 2009—2010 | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
Centre for Disease Dynamics, Economics and Policy (CDDEP)/ResistanceMap | 1999 ongoing | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
Community-Based Surveillance of Antimicrobial Use and Resistance in Resource-Constrained Settings, WHO | 2002—2005 | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
Comparative Activity of Carbapenem Testing (COMPACT and COMPACT II), Janssen Asia-Pacific | 2008—2010 | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
International Daptomycin Surveillance Programmes, JMI Laboratories | 2011 ongoing | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network (EARS-Net), ECDC | 1999 ongoing | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
Enter-Net International Surveillance Network, Health Protection Agency, UK | 1993—2007 | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
Food- and Waterborne Diseases and Zoonoses Network (FWD-Net), ECDC | 2007 ongoing | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
Gonococcal Antimicrobial Surveillance Programme (GASP), WHO | 1992 ongoing | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
International Network For Optimal Resistance Monitoring (INFORM), IHMA | 2012—2014 | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
International Network for the Study and Prevention of Emerging Antimicrobial Resistance (INSPEAR), US CDC | 1998—2010 | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
In Vitro Activity of Oral Antimicrobial Agents Against Pathogens Associated With Community-Acquired Upper Respiratory Tract and Urinary Tract Infections: A Five Country Surveillance Study, IHMA | 2012—2013 | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
Multiyear, Multinational Survey of the Incidence and Global Distribution of MBL-Producing Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, IHMA | 2012—2014 | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
Minocycline activity tested against Acinetobacter baumannii complex, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and Burkholderia cepacia species complex isolates from a global surveillance programme (2013), JMI Laboratories | 2013 | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
Meropenem Yearly Susceptibility Test Information Collection (MYSTIC), AstraZeneca | 1997—2008 | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
Mortality from Bacterial Infections Resistant to Antibiotics (MBIRA) | 2020 ongoing | Gram-negative enteric bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
NosoMed Pilot Survey in the Eastern Mediterranean Area, Universite Claude Bernard Lyon I | 2003—2004 | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
Programme to Assess Ceftolozane/Tazobactam Susceptibility (PACTS), Cubist Pharmaceuticals | 2012 ongoing | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
Pan-European Antimicrobial Resistance Using Local Surveillance (PEARLS), Wyeth Pharmaceuticals | 2001—2002 | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
Prospective Resistant Organism Tracking and Epidemiology for the Ketolide Telithromycin (PROTEKT), Sanofi-Aventis | 1999—2004 | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
Red Latinoamericana de Vigilancia de la Resistencia a los Antimicrobianos (ReLAVRA), PAHO | 1996 ongoing | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
Study on Antimicrobial Resistance in Staphylococcus aureus(SARISA), LEO Pharma (Copenhagen) | 1996 ongoing | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
SENTRY Antimicrobial Surveillance Programme, JMI laboratories | 1997 ongoing | Bacteria, fungi | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
Sistema de Redes de Vigilancia de los Agentes Responsables de Neumonias y Meningitis Bacterianas (SIREVA and SIREVA II), PAHO | 1993—onging | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
Study for Monitoring Antimicrobial Resistance Trends (SMART), Merck & Co. Inc. | 2002—2011 | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
Survey of Antibiotic Resistance (SOAR), GlaxoSmithKline | 2002 ongoing | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
International Solithromycin Surveillance Programmes, JMI Laboratories, USA | 2011 ongoing | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
TARGETed Surveillance Study, GR Micro Ltd, UK | 2003—2007 | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
Tigecycline Evaluation and Surveillance Trial (TEST), IHMA | 2004 ongoing | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
Typhoid Fever Surveillance in Africa Programme (TSAP), International Vaccine Institute, Korea | 2009 ongoing | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
WHO Western Pacific Regional Programme for Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance | 1991—1998 | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
ZyvoxVR Annual Appraisal of Potency and Spectrum (ZAAPS), JMI Laboratories, USA and Pfizer | 2004 ongoing | Bacteria | Case-finding based on specimens sent to laboratory for clinical purposes |
A tentative timeline (