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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2023 Jan 26.
Published in final edited form as: Nat Cancer. 2022 Jul 26;3(7):793–807. doi: 10.1038/s43018-022-00411-z

Table 1. Summary of the main CAF subsets and features in each organ.

Organ Organism Central Features Signature/Markers Total Number of Analyzed Fibroblasts Ref.
Inflammatory Breast Mouse allograft model of TNBC (BALB/C-derived 4T1 mammary tumors) Inflammation, immune trafficking, and complement Ly6c1,Il-6,Il-33, Cxcl1,Cxcl12,Ccl2,Ccl7, C3,C4b, C1s1, C1s2 535 51
Mouse allograft model of TNBC (BALB/C-derived 4T1 mammary tumors), human TNBC samples Inflammation PDPN, subdivided into 2 populations characterized by CXCL1 and IL-6 8,033 13
MMTV-PyMT model, human BC tissue samples Inflammation and chemotaxis Cxcl14 768 30
Human BC Inflammatory response, TNF signaling, cytokine pathway CXCL12, SOD2. Additional pathways: detoxification (ADH1B and GPX3), response to stimuli (RGMA and SCARA5) 18,296 78
PyMT/WT, PyMT/ELF5 Inflammatory response, complement activation, monocyte recruitment Involuting CAF signature-CXCL12, Ly6c1, C3, C4b 2,255 80
Human TNBC Inflammation and chemotaxis IGF1, FIGF, PDGFD,CXCL12 and CXCL13. As opposed to myCAFs, iCAFs characterized by FAPLOW/CD90LOW 1,409 79
Pancreas Human IPMNs and PDAC tissue Inflammation VIM, FAP, COL3A1, DES, IL6, and CXCL12 ≥ 267 48
KPP, PRT, KIC, KPC&KPfCmouse models of PDAC; Human PDAC Chemoattraction, inflammation, immune trafficking, complement regulation Cxcl1/2/9/10/12, Cxcl1, Ccl2/7, Il-6/8,IL-1R1,LIF,CFD, C7, C3, C1s,C1r, Pdgfra 962 (human) & 4,012 (mice) [44]; 8,439 [46]; 5,802 [47]; 2,143 [49]; ~ 10,900 (mice)& 8,931 (human) [50]; 12,239 [71]; 1,753 [72] 44,46,47,49,50,71,72
Lung Human NSCLC;Murine lung adenocarcinoma model (KrasLA1) Inflammation, chemotaxis CXCL12/14, PDGFRA 3,794 [36];428 [83] 36,83
Ovaries Human ovarian cancer Inflammation, complement regulation, and chemotaxis IL-1/6/10, CXCL1/2/1012/14, CCL2, SOCS3,C3/7,C1QA/B/C,CFD,CFB,SERPING1 7,760 [56]; 547 [57] 56,57
Liver Human ICC;Murine ICC models (YAP/AKT, KRAS/p19) Inflammation, chemotaxis, complement, HGF-met signaling FBLN1, IGFI, CXCL1/12, IGFBP6, SLPI, SAA1, C3, C7, Il-6,HGF,CCL21 498 [54]; 12,431 (mice) & 4,463 (human) [88] 54,89
Bladder Human urothelial bladder carcinoma Inflammation and chemotaxis CXCL12, IL6, CXCL14, CXCL1, and CXCL2, marked by PDGFRA N.A. 58
Skin Murine Melanoma Immune trafficking and inflammation. Marked by Pdpn, Pdgfra, and Cd34: Cxcl12, Csf1, and Ccl8, Il6ra and Il6st, C3, C2, and C4b N.A. 38
Immune Regulatory Breast Mouse allograft model of TNBC (BALB/C-derived 4T1 mammary tumors) Antigen presentation, MHC-II genes CD74, H2-Aa, H2-Ab1, H2-Eb, Cd74 535 51
Mouse allograft model of TNBC (BALB/C-derived 4T1 mammary tumors), human TNBC samples Immune regulation, chemotaxis PDPN subpopulation subdivided into Ly6c+, CXCL12, Saa3 subsets 8,033 13
Mouse allograft model of TNBC (BALB/C-derived 4T1 mammary tumors), human TNBC samples MHC-II presentation and immune regulation S100A4, CD73,H2-Aa, H2-Ab1 and CD74; SLPI and SPP1 8,033 13
Human BC IFNγ, cytokine signaling, MHCII presentation CCl19, CCl5, CD74 18,296 78
Human TNBC Immune regulation CXCL12 hallmark gene, C5-C5AR1 signaling and TGFB1-TGFBR1 and TGFB2-TGFBR1 axis. CXCL12-CXCR4 and CXCL13-CXCR5 signaling. 1,409 79
Pancreas Human PDAC Immune regulation via Complement secretion C3, C7, CFB, CFD, CFH, CFI 2,958 73
KPP mice& human PDAC Immuno-regulatory module Pdgfc, Vegfa, Il33,Il18 ~ 10,900 (mice)&8,931 (human) 50
Mouse (KPC model) &human PDACs Antigen presentation, T-cell regulation MHC-II in mice (H2-Aa and H2-Ab1, CD74) and human (HLA-DRA, HLA-DPA1,HLA-DQA, CD74). Additional immunoregulatory genes: BCAM, F11R, IRF5. 962 (human) & 4,012 (mice) 44
PRT, KIC, KPC&KPfC mouse models of PDAC;Human PDAC Antigen presentation, MHC-II genes CD74, H2-Aa, H2-Dmb1,HLA-DQA1,CD83 2,143 [49];12,239 [71];1,753 [72] 49,71,72
Lung Human lung adenocarcinoma Immune modulation and antigen presentation CFD,CXCL14,CXCL12, MHC-II,CD74 2,257 84
Prostate Human prostate cancer Inflammation, regulation of myeloid cell recruitment CCL2,CXCL12,CCL11,CXCL1,IL33 3,321 86
Liver Mouse model of liver metastasis (PDAC/CRC tumor cell lines injection)/human CRC liver metastases Inflammation, IFN response, HGF-Met signaling, antigen expression HG, H2-Q4, H2-Q7, Ifitm. N.A. 55
Murine ICC model, human ICC Antigen presentation CD74, HLADRA, HLA-DRB1, H2-Q4 498 [54]; 12,431 (mice) & 4,463 (human) [88] 54,89
Antigen Presentation Pancreas Mouse (KPC model) and human PDACs Antigen presentation (AP); Partial activation of CD4+ T-cells (by TCR ligation) Mouse: H2-Aa, H2-Ab1 and CD74; SAA3 and SLPI. Human: HLA-DRA, HLA-DPA1, HLA-DQA1, and CD74; SLPI 962 (human) & 4,012 (mice) 44
Mouse model of human PDAC (cell line-derived xenograft; CDX) AP CD74 and HLA-DRA 699 45
Tamoxife-ninducible mouse model of PDAC (PRT) AP H2-Aa, CD74 and CD83 12,239 71
KPP mouse model of PDAC AP H2-Ab1 and CD74; SAA3 ~ 10,900 (mice) & 8,931 (human) 50
KIC, KPC&KPfC mouse models of PDAC AP; Partial activation of CD4+ T-cells (by TCR ligation); Induction of NaïveCD4+ T-cells into regulatory T-cells H2-Aa, H2-Ab1, H2-Eb1, and CD74; MSLN, UPK3b, LRRN4 and KRT19 (mesothelial genes) 17,055 (Derived from integrated data of 3 papers: Hosein, Elyada&Domingues) 11
Breast Mouse allograft model of TNBC (BALB/Cderived 4T1 mammary tumors) AP H2-Aa, H2-Ab1 and CD74; SLPI and SPP1 8,033 13
AP H2-Aa, H2-Ab1, H2-Eb1 and CD74; KRT8, KRT18 and FSP1 535 51
Liver Human ICC AP HLA-DRA, HLA-DRB1 and CD74, 498 54
Lung Human & mouse (LLC model) lung tumors AP; Formation of functional spots within tumors that sustain CD4+ T-cells; Priming CD4+ T-cells along with rescuing them from apoptosis Human: CD74 and SLPI; IL-6, CFD, C1QA, and C1QB. Mouse: CD74 and SLPI 798 (human), N.A. (mice) 92
ECM-remodeling/ myofibroblastic CAFs Pancreas Mouse (KPC model) and human PDACs Smooth muscle contraction, focal adhesion, ECM organization, and collagen formation Mouse: ACTA2, TAGLN, IGFBP3, THY1,COL12A1 and THBS2
962 (human) &4,012 (mice) 44
Mouse model of human PDAC (cell line-derived xenograft; CDX) ECM organization, cell adhesion, and blood vessel development ACTA2, TAGLN, BGN, COL8A1, COL15A1, IGFBP7, TPM1 and TPM2 699 45
Human PDAC Focal adhesion and ECM-receptor interactions COL10A1 and POSTN 8,439 46
Human PDAC ECM remodeling ACTA2, MYL9, and POSTN 5,802 47
Human IPMNs and PDAC tissue ECM remodeling ACTA2 ≥ 267 48
Breast Mouse allograft model of TNBC (BALB/C-derived 4T1 mammary tumors) ECM organization and wound healing features ACTA2, THBS2, FBN1, and MFAP5 8,033 13
ECM remodeling ACTA2, TPM1, TPM2, MYL9, TAGLN, CNN2, CNN3, IGFBP3, TNC, TMEM119, TGβ1, TGβ2, CTGF, PGF, VEGFA, and WNT5A 535 51
Transgenic mouse model of breast cancer (MMTV-PyMT) ECM molecules production DCN, LUM, VCAN, COL14A1, FBLN1, FBLN2, SMOC, LOX, LOXL1, PDGFRα, and CXCL14 768 30
Lungs Human NSCLC Myogenesis, NOTCH pathway, and angiogenesis ACTA2, MEF2C, MYH11, ITGA7, COL4A1, and COL10A1 1,465 37
Human NSCLC ECM remodeling COL13A1, COL14A1, ACTA2,TAGLN, MYH11, MYLK, and ACTG2 3,794 36
Liver Human ICC ECM and collagen fibril organization POSTN, FN1, LUM, DCN, VCAN, COL5A1, COL5A2, and COL63A 498 54
Mouse model of liver metastasis (PDAC/CRC tumor cell lines injection)/human CRC liver metastases ECM remolding/Opposing effects on tumor growth Mouse: ACTA2, COL1A1, and COL3A1. Human: COL1A1, COL3A1, and COL63A N.A. 55
Ovary Human ovarian cancer TGβ-induced reactive stroma ACTA2, POSTN, COMP, COL10A1, COL11A1, MMP11, TAGLN, and FN1 7,760 56
Skin Melanoma mouse model Desmoplastic reaction/Contraction of actin stress fibers PDPN, PDGFRα, POSTN, and TNC/ACTA2, ROCK1, MLC2, and MLCK N.A. 38
Bone Human osteosarcoma ECM remodeling COL14A1/ ACTA2, MYL9, and LUM N.A. 40
Colon Human CRC Cytoskeleton/ECM remodeling ACTA2, TAGLN, and PDGFA/ MMP2, DCN, and COL1A2 26 41
Urinary bladder Human urothelial bladder carcinoma Focal adhesion and contraction RGS5, MYL9, and MYH11 N.A. 58